Dragon Boat Festival holiday

No one’s talking about this year 2023?

The first two days have seemed quieter than Chinese New Year here in central Taipei. Yesterday was like a ghost town, this morning it’s like a ghost town.

Understandable, long weekend everybody’s getting out of town but I’m just hanging around this time.


Just the way I like it! :grin:



Now that you mention it, everyone was surprisingly on time yesterday. We got a few kegs of beer and had the grill on all day yesterday for some excellent carne asada on the rooftop.

Cops also seemed to have less to do than usual. Never got why the locals can deal with the noise of having their living room in a garage on the first floor, but complain about the noise from a small neighborhood party.


Did you get busted? If so, may I ask: what were the consequences?


Locals can completely block traffic noise due to being exposed to it 16 hours of the day. Party noise is strange, unknown and therefor highly annoying. No party for you!

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White noise ?


Is there trash pickup today in Taipei? Sorry to be asking this here lol. Is there a website link you can share for trash collection schedules on holidays?

Not the first time, so many of the older cops in the area already know me. They asked us to turn down the music, had some meat, and then got called to their next assignment.


Huge crowds in Kenting yesterday.

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I too noticed a decrease from the usual chaos levels when I was out and about in Taipei yesterday. Not CNY level drop, but about 20% less traffic, noise, foot traffic, bus ridership, restaurant/shop traffic, etc. Haven’t been out today so don’t know if it’s holding but hope it does till maybe Sunday, fingers crossed. On Wednesday night I noticed quite a few suitcases being rolled about on the MRT. This weekend was so long people could even pop abroad for a quick trip so maybe that contributed to it.

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The usual Dragon Boat Festival in Danshui: a big two-day (or more?) temple celebration with firecrackers and smoke and god parades and blocked roads everywhere. One of these days I should learn more about the specifics of this event. Or perhaps I already did, and I’ve forgotten.

If you’re newish in Taiwan, it’s probably worth checking out, actually. There was a time when the sound of firecrackers would draw me towards a place, rather than drive me away.


I stumbled across one of those multiday temple events in Taitung City earlier this year. As a clueless visitor, I had no idea it was scheduled. It consumed what seemed to be the whole downtown.



News said Taipei-Yilan traffic jam will continue constantly through the weekend.

I don’t know.

I hear the ice cream man!


Busy as anything down south. road ways blocked by cars parked everywhere, full retard on schedule for any 4 day’er :slight_smile: Ambulance sirens have been going steady here :frowning: So much so, we called it a day early today driving around delivering (for safety/liability) and now we are getting bored at home haha.


2 people in our town dead now, wiped out by asshole drivers while on the side of the road. Just another holiday :frowning:

A tragedy in Taitung this weekend:



Accidents all over… also people walking in the middle of the roads snapping photos as well


That last shot looks horrible. Is that indeed from this weekend?
