Dream of the Day

What would you like to say to this person in real life? Is there something that needs to be removed from “the background” before you would feel comfortable saying it?

I had killed one of my friends (before the dream started). I stuffed his body into a trashcan, and then was nervously watching out the window as the trash collectors took it. I packed a bag in case I had to make a run for it at any time

I had a business with a couple of partners. We opened a new office and hired a lawyer. My partners were doing scammy stuff, and the lawyer quit. Years later I get a check in the mail for a million US dollars, and a letter from the lawyer saying I need to use the money for good because of my past scams. He also, strangely, drew hearts around the margins…

Later, there was a surgery-like room, with a machine that would print a new $17M check. But there were also these babies kinda materializing on the two medical beds. And they were evil – I had a short amount of time to kill them each time before they would become possessed and attack. I had to sprinkle holy water on their heads and then bash them with a big rock. Then I could print the big check…

Yeah, I’m messed up :man_shrugging: lol

Last night I dreamt I went to a singing competition in a place that looked like the Fight Club basement and all the singers would have coughing fits in my face when they were done. Then when it was over, I tested positive for COVID and had to hide from either the police or EMTs who were looking to quarantine me.

You have something to confess. You may not know what it is, but whatever it is, you’re guilty of it. :no_no:

So, you ran away from a problem, but instead of disappearing it grew and will keep growing unless and until you fix it.

Acceptance is the first step. :rainbow: :+1:

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Professional shrinks would blather about covid-related anxiety, but I’m gonna say it’s really about your phone. It’s not going to stop damaging your life unless you shoot it in the face. :slightly_smiling_face:


Had a dream that the rain was so heavy that it was flooding the house. A house I grew up in.

Also, some interesting things I’ve noticed:

  • I can think separate things from what I’m saying, in my dream, just like real life. So even though my “talking” is in reality just a thought, I can still be thinking something else. That’s like the equivalent of thinking two independent conscious thoughts while awake, which isn’t possible.
  • Sometimes in my dreams, another person’s voice is just my poor imitation of their voice + my brain telling itself to accept it as legit. Akin to when I’m awake.

Who said it isn’t possible? Only if you bind your thinking to a structure like language i suppose

That’s what I meant by conscious thought. Maybe not the best word for it.

Trying right now to have two thoughts at once and I can’t. I mean obviously we can do two things at once, eg driving and talking, but that’s mostly automating away the driving task to your subconscious. I think your brain can only really flip back and forth between two tasks with any real attention.

I dunno, in real life we can also think something else consciously while talking, but I think we’re kinda automating the talking in that case. Same as in the dream maybe, but there’s another layer to it since the talking is actually just a thought.

Do you remember the climactic scene of Rain Man?


Not that climactic scene! :roll:

I meant the scene near the end where he’s asked whether he wants to stay or go back to the other place, and he wants both so he mixes words from both options and ends up with “stay back to…”. That would be the actual climax of the movie.

The point being, two thoughts at the same time. :slightly_smiling_face::upside_down_face:

EH! How did you hack my webcam?

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Dear Dream Diary,

Woke up screaming :smiley:

In this dream, every day I walked around a rectangular building with a friend, and on top of this building was a device that dispensed different colours of socks. There were six areas of the rectangle that the device would drop a sock from, and it would drop a sock to each area once per day, so like…


Some time had passed, and I had noticed a specific pattern in the colours of socks dispensed in a few of the areas. I started to study the device and the patterns, I became obsessive, the relationship with the friend fell apart and I was consumed with finding the answer to this sock device.

Anyway the mysterious owners of such a device sent me a VHS tape of an explanation to the patterns and why it existed but I wasn’t convinced, but realised trying to find the pattern or purpose to this particular thing had consumed most of my adult life and there had been no point.


Seems self-explanatory, unless there’s some super-special meaning to socks for you. :2cents:

That there’s no point to the dream? :laughing:

It seems that your subconscious self is trying to warn you that you may be in danger of making intellectual pursuits more important than your friendships.

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I wouldn’t even say intellectual pursuits per se, but pointless pursuits. Rabbit holes.

What are socks? To most people, they’re useful things, even kind of necessary, but not things to be made a big deal of. You need some, you buy them. You wear them but probably don’t think about them while doing so, because why would you? They’re just socks.

So, what have you been obsessing over for the last ~10 years, and what has the obsession done for/to you?


You hit the nail so hard on the head that I was SHOOK and didn’t respond.

I had another dream: some old fart was throwing hard sums at me, shit like 2654 x 1115, and I had one of those shitty business card calculators with the four solar panel squares on it, but the buttons were really wobbly and the guy was putting loads of pressure on me, and I couldn’t get the answer.

Must have been related to the extreme stress I was under yesterday whilst discovering that Mint Choc Chip ice cream was no longer available. Went with Pistachio instead.

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I had a dream the other day where Singapore was invaded/had a massive terrorist attack. Idk why that was. I barely know anyone from there and I visited SG once when I was like 4. :idunno:

The main question, of course, is what is Singapore?

An oasis of civilization? A sinister dystopia? A stunning achievement? A swamp of racism and greed? A postmodern, multicultural city-state? A Chinese satellite state? A future imperial capital? A former colony fading into insignificance?

Whatever it is, you feel it’s under attack.

If you’ve been thinking about religion lately, there’s the whole being surrounded by Muslims thing.

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