Driving Test in Taiwan in English

you can do the computer test online

link form old post

When I did it, there was no book to learn it in English. You had to just take the mock test over and over again. The problem is that it’s random each time so you need to take it over and over again hoping you will eventually see all the questions at least 1 time.

Will I lose my foreign licence if I go this route?

I downloaded the questions and am going through making Anki cards for the non obvious ones or signs that are different from the motherland.

Some of these questions are worded so terribly.

Yes, they are. I was seriously thinking of just doing it in Chinese.

Just do the test over and over again, you can do it on your phone while you’re on the toilet, get your score consistently over 90% and you will be fine.


There is an English version too. But the DMV also has the questions in a pdf format. That is more convenient.

Read the questions/book first, even if you don’t quite understand them. Then do the tests from the app as many times daily as possible. Wash, rinse, repeat.

The practical test, OTOH, oh boy…

I considered that but when I tried the practice test there turned out to be more things I needed to learn that if I just do it in English.

My fiber intake is too good to have the opportunity to do it while on the toilet. :poop:

Luckily I only need to do the written one as I’m exchanging my driver’s license. Which…

They don’t for American licenses according to what they said in a call. I’ve heard this before but it makes no sense to take someone’s home country license afaik :man_shrugging:
If they try I guess you could always give them trouble…

It’s a driving licence exchange, i think some one explained it in one of the threads. It’s not just Taiwan some other countries do it also. I think Taiwan basically mirrors your own countries rules.

Then why is there a test?

i didn’t think there was one, its the first i heard of it
i thought it would be the same as a uk exchange

I think that’s the exchange.

I’m trying to figure out what @chydals wrote.

Thats to do the full driving test and getting your Taiwan licence, i did this they dont even ask about any other licence, in fact you dont even need a licence just the learners permit from the driving school.

I now have a licence from my home country and Taiwan car / Heavy motorcycle, didn’t have the option to exchange the UK one until recently. i dont think i would have liked the idea of giving it up anyway.

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For most countries, this doesn’t seem to be the case. However, at least (I think) Canada, UK and Germany require surrendering the license when doing an exchange.

Absolute garbage.

Yeah - for some of us, Taiwanese laws and bureaucracy don’t seem to be that absurd when comparing them to what we’re used from our home countries… :roll_eyes:


In order to take the test, you’ll first have to have held a learner’s permit for at least three months and provide proof of driving experience.

So that is why you need to submit your foreign driver’s license at the DMV , they will check your license (they have some books with licenses pictures and specs from all the world ) and they will tell you if you can exchange your license for a local one or do the driving test

The learner’s permit is for people that doesn’t have any driving experience or not have a driver license , when you go to driving school they help you do this application

In my case , I fail so many times the driving test at the DMV , so I decided to just go to a driving school and take the 1 month driving course and do the driving test there

It depends on the principles of equality and reciprocity.
For example for UK , need to Surrender the Applicant’s Existing driver’s license



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For Android you can download this app it has all questions in Chinese , English , Vietnamese , Japanese , Thai

So would I have the choice? Or are they gonna say, we know you have another licence, hand it over. Mine is part of the exchange programme. What if I don’t want to exchange?

Yes !

Then just apply for the local license

I had the option to exchange my license for a local one , but the problem is that my license was about to expire soon (in my country driving licenses are for 5 year) and there was no point to have a local license for a few months , so I decided to do the driving test