Dumbest thing a foreigner has said about Taiwan?

For this guy, obviously he didn’t know what he was talking about, as clearly the best Christmas displays are in Banqiao.

Just ask @Gain . :rofl:



From a meeting with a person from Maryland in the Southern USA, on Google Meet looking out my office window, oh Downtown offices (no mid rise homes in Kaohsuing), her home was single floor home with other brick buildings (looks not that good) in area outside of the USA’s capital.

I heard some Americans, some on the forum, say American healthcare system is the best in the world, because you know why pay for someone to mess up their body?

But seriously, who in their right mind will knowingly hurt themselves just to get free or low cost healthcare? Would you smash your hand with a hammer because a doctor will fix you up for free? Our biological drives make us NOT want to do that.

For me it’s a tossup between:

“Taichung pollution isn’t that bad.” and “When the PLA invades I’m going to join the resistance.”


I went to the first fried chicken fillet place in Taiwan today.

The resistance is now. Fight with words. Fight disinformation. Fight Chinese censorship. Call your representatives. The war has been on for 5 years.

I do this. I do it all the time.


Hopefully not anyone I know.

I don’t like pain that much. But if it happens I’m glad I don’t need to sell my hammer, car and house to cover the cost.



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You’re speaking truth to power. I have to admit that I used to fantasize about going up into the mountains and joining aboriginal resistance fighters when the PLA invades.

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Some Taiwanese person just said to me those three should be shot.

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Maryland isn’t a Southern state, it’s a Mid-Atlantic state.

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It’s below Mason-Dixon.

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This is true, but Southerners don’t consider Maryland a Southern state.


Holy crap, I had to watch this in my Chinese class too (costing more than I’d charge for an English lesson!). Do all Chinese language teachers just go to the same teaching resource page and recycle this into their lessons? Fwiw, I quit that class after my initial 10 lessons were over, as we would just watch crap videos starring weirdo foreigners like this all the time, and she didn’t know how to actually teach anything practical like tones.

I think being polite and pretending I actually enjoyed (or at least didn’t dislike) sitting through these type of videos was one of the harder things I had to do.


I think this is more about smoking, drinking, doing drugs, eating junk food, being overweight, etc.

I guess it’s fate that for every ass-kissing foreigner that is a matching foreigner-loving Taiwanese. The kind that would keep speaking English regardless of how many times you politely say that Chinese is fine, that would list all of the waiguo pengyou that he/she claims to know, that would show you the 我愛台灣 and 我的中文不好 videos because these waiguoren are so cool and would insist on exchanging Line/FB/IG/whatever to ask the following day whether you want to participate in some event with other waiguo pengyou.

I don’t know you guys, but when I hear the W of waiguo pengyou, I am already loading my rifle. Luckily, real Taiwan and real foreigners are a different story :smirk:


I would have opposed slavery.

That being said, when General Grant dictated Order 11 General Order No. 11 (1862) - Wikipedia, the Confederacy had a Jewish Sec of State and War (Judah Benjamin). Judah P. Benjamin - Wikipedia. The Confederacy was progressive in some way the North was not.

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I have to admit his is a new, hot take I’ve never heard before.

There were also partnerships pre Civil War with States Rights Southern Senators such as John C Calhoun and working class progressives in the Democratic Party in New York (known as the locofoco faction). The Locofoco Party, 1828-1840s | The Locofoco Log (wordpress.com)

Both opposed the manufacturers and the slave-like conditions the Irish and others endured in the North.

The locofoco movement fractured during the Mexican War (which many locos thought an immoral conflict manipulated to benefit a planter aristocracy). Most Loco-Focos followed Van Buren, some inclined to the supposedly ideologically purer South (and Calhoun), and others filtered into various party affiliations, including sustained loyalty to the Democracy. Microsoft Word - AnthonyComegnaDissertation (pitt.edu)

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We watched the same one. Seems like a lot of work doesn’t go into new material

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