Dumbest thing a foreigner has said about Taiwan?

“Taiwan is so safe, and the people are so friendly.”

Hugs and kisses from the safety-bubble expat-zone.

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“How can a place with this many wild dogs call itself an advanced country?”
-Some American lady

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That’s nice. This thread isn’t about you or your preference for a system of government that’s been dead for 150+ years. Plus, separating the Confederacy from its vile institution of slavery is like separating Wall Street from finance.



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Personally I like hearing different opinions, even dumb ones, because otherwise it becomes echo chambers where we hear only what we want to hear.


Love this shit

Ooh you have to try the cho dofu…


I remember some travel show claiming Taiwan had the second best food in Asia after Singapore. And Anthony Bourdain going nuts over sausage-in-a-sausage saying it was the best thing over. I was pretty disappointed when I came here and realized it wasn’t the food Mecca I had been led to believe.


I worked with this Canadian lady in a private kindergarten for several years. One day we’re sitting in the an office full of Taiwanese women, and she says - very loudly - that foreign men only like Taiwanese women because “They’re built like children.” The awkwardness was palpable.


The weird food guy, Andrew Zimmern? I think, visited once, tried some thousand year old egg. I mean that’s kinda extreme but at least he didn’t pretend. edit: and glancing at the video he’s pretty fair.

I like to look at these travel/eating shows relative to how they react in other places. Because they will always remain mostly positive, there are definitely degrees of enthusiasm after that first bite they can’t fake though. :grinning:


I lost all respect for his opinion after I saw that and the durian one. Durian and 1000-year eggs are awesome.

You can’t account for taste! Personally I’m on his page.


Was that the one where he went to Wulai and ate the aboriginal dish consisting of uncooked pork? I’ve eaten a lot of “weird” things, but I would never, ever eat uncooked pork.


Could have been, it is Weird Foods afterall. Not sure if that stuff is in the video I posted, which seems his reactions to more mainstream foods.

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I do think he reacted a little too strongly to the Durian smell in that one episode in which he wanders through a plantation. I don’t think it smells good, but I never thought it was the worst thing ever. To me, stinky tofu smells infinitely worse.

But you can’t fault him for his honest reaction. I remember him almost vomiting after trying fish that had been fermented for a year in India.


Funny thing is it probably is true for a certain number of foreign men. But that’s just a matter of personal preference.

You’re getting Taiwan mixed up with Thailand again.


I’d have to disagree with you there. Even just walking into the supermarket when they have durian makes me nauseous. I can’t imagine walking through a plantation.

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Just last night I had stewed stinky tofu with duck’s blood and durian coconut cream ice cream.

Almost smells as good coming out the other end. :grin:

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I would like to nominate the above post for the winner of the thread’s competition. :face_vomiting:
