Dumbest thing a foreigner has said about Taiwan?

I wouldn’t say durian or stinky tofu make me retch with their smell, but there’s a lot of other stuff to eat that doesn’t smell like that, so…

I wonder what’s different about nose DNA that makes one thing smell so disgusting to one nose, and so appealing to another?

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Cilantro (or coriander) has that effect on people. I love it, but some people think it tastes like soap or insects. My ex couldn’t stand it.

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Just throwing my hat in the ring with a lot of great contenders.

There was an American guy a while back on here, who posted his first vlog, with all of his unique impressions of Taiwan. You know the “WASPy boy from the suburbs meets Asia” type thing. Anyway I remember he was particularly taken about having a complimentary water bottle in his hotel room. I thought raving about a water bottle sounded pretty dumb!


Yes, if you want to find some of the dumbest stuff imaginable, find the people who romanticize whatever place they visit.

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“So why was he living and working in Taiwan, and not in China?”

You worked with this guy who was spouting out his philosophy every day and you engaged him in discussion by sharing articles.
Wouldn’t that be one of the key questions you’d ask him?
I get the impression that he wouldn’t mind sharing his “world building” vision of the perfect Taiwan.
I’d love to have beer or share a bus ride with this guy or the guy in a previous post.
I want to hear them paint and color their world while I throw a few monkey wrenches into his vision by asking a few simple situational questions.

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Dammit. Which one are we again?

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The one with bad food and less ladyboys.


Yes, stay in your home. It’s really dangerous. I don’t dare take 3 AM bike rides watching the fishermen waking to their fishponds.
A solitary old man sitting at a table drinking tea in the middle of nowhere. People working alone leaving expensive tools out where back in the states, people would have swiped them.
Stay in your home.
Now, maybe Taiwan i s getting less safe but, here in the country, things are still ok.
I blame the West for the change, if there is one.


Shit. Got off the plane at the wrong stop again.


At least the first half of this statement is true. At least compared to the big cities in the US and Europe.

Not being able to travel abroad without permission?

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I hope you ratted him out.

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Northerners sure as shit don’t want it.

Maryland’s not getting a lot of love on here today… :pensive:


Everyone just thinks of Baltimore and its awful depiction in ‘The Wire’ when they think of Maryland, but it has some beautiful countryside and even BMore has some nice areas aside from the ghettos you see on HBO dramas.

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North Carolina is a Southern state in disguise.

And it’s home to the most successful American Olympian of all time!

Edit: Shit, he lives in Arizona now…

He had the penis?

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He’s certainly come to the right place.

Or my favorite: “I love Taiwan Beer!”

Taiwan Beer, aka the Budweiser of East Asia.