Earthquakes 2007

Yep, some sideway tiny itsy pitsy feeling. Not woth mentionning though. Could have been a gravel truck passing bye.

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M 5.0 27.2 km ENE of Hualien City 2007-01-17 12:00 #003 (0117120050003) … 050003.gif … 050003.txt


Earthquake No.: 96003

Origin time (Taiwan Standard Time: GMT+08:00): 1/17/2007 12: 0:25.9

Location: 24.04N 121.86E, i.e. 27.2 km ENE of Hualien City

Depth : 31.6 km

Magnitude(ML): 5.0

Local Largest Intensity :

Hualien County 4
Yilan County 3
Hualien City 2
Nantou County 2
Taichung County 2
Changhua County 2
Taoyuan County 1
Yunlin County 1
Yilan City 1
Douliou City 1
Changhua City 1
Chiayi City 1[/code]

M 5.0 花蓮市地震站東偏北方 27.2 公里 2007-01-17 12:00 #003 (0117120050003) … 050003.gif … 050003.txt

[code] 中央氣象局地震測報中心 第003號有感地震報告
發 震 時 間: 96年 1月17日12時 0分25.9秒
震 央 位 置: 北 緯 24.04 °
東 經 121.86 °
震 源 深 度: 31.6 公里
芮 氏 規 模: 5.0
相 對 位 置: 花蓮市地震站東偏北方 27.2 公里

                             各 地 震 度 級

花蓮地區最大震度 4級 宜蘭地區最大震度 3級 南投地區最大震度 2級
太魯閣 4 南 澳 3 合歡山 2
花蓮市 2 蘇 澳 2 名 間 2
秀 林 2 南 山 2
吉 安 2 內 城 1
鹽 寮 2 宜蘭市 1
磯 崎 2
西 林 2
壽 豐 2
和 平 2
花蓮港 2
紅 葉 1
台中地區最大震度 2級 彰化地區最大震度 2級 桃園地區最大震度 1級
德 基 2 員 林 2 中 壢 1
東 勢 1 彰化市 1
雲林地區最大震度 1級 嘉義地區最大震度 1級
草 嶺 1 嘉義市 1
古 坑 1
斗六市 1 [/code]

I thought it was my heart bouncing to hard … but than no … I felt it too, slight moving up and down, not swaying

[quote=“Quarters”]That was another one off of Hualian = 5.0

Notice the trend for the past few, all in the afternoon…strange[/quote]

11:** AM is not in the afternoon …

[quote=“belgian pie”][quote=“Quarters”]That was another one off of Hualian = 5.0

Notice the trend for the past few, all in the afternoon…strange[/quote]

11:** AM is not in the afternoon …[/quote]

was actually just past noon, so therefore technically the ‘afternoon’ IS correct :sunglasses:

[quote=“tommy525”][quote=“belgian pie”][quote=“Quarters”]That was another one off of Hualian = 5.0

Notice the trend for the past few, all in the afternoon…strange[/quote]

11:** AM is not in the afternoon …[/quote]

was actually just past noon, so therefore technically the ‘afternoon’ IS correct :sunglasses:[/quote]

Thank you Tommy :slight_smile:

And for the love of pete, 11 am is close enough to 12 to make it afternoon…or would you prfer I called it just before noon and lick yer arse at the same time? :raspberry:

noon is 12 … there are never quakes just passed noon … they have lunch too you know …

:astonished: A 4.0 earthquake in the English Channel/northsea area … happens about every 200 years or so … but they happen :slight_smile:

[quote=“belgian pie”]:eek: A 4.0 earthquake in the English Channel/northsea area … happens about every 200 years or so … but they happen :slight_smile:[/quote]Link?

I got [url=]this:[quote]Brussels - An earthquake with a magnitude of 3.4 on the Richter scale was measured off the North Sea coast of Belgium and France Tuesday evening, the Belga news agency reported.

No damages had been reported and ships in the area did not report any problems. The centre of the quake was located about 40 kilometres off the coast and was 15 kilometres under the sea, authorities said.

Quakes of this level are measured every year in northern Europe, and although people can feel them, they are generally too weak to cause damages, geologist Manuel Sintubin of the University of Leuven told the news agency. [/quote][/url]
and just two weeks ago, another one:

[quote]Experts have logged the quake, which they describe as a routine geological hiccup, 60 miles offshore in the southern North Sea.

It happened at 9.15am on December 30, and measured 3.1 on the Richter scale - providing one of very few red dots around East Anglia on the British Geological Society’s earthquake map.[/quote]

Still shakin’ …


Feel that?

Feeling it down south too.

Nice jolt on the 7th floor.

I felt it but wouldn’t say big.

Up here on the 22d F, almost felt like the building might crack open.

Did it stop? Coz I feel still dizzy …

Sign up for Taiwan earthquake alerts:
English: … e-alert-en
中文: … e-alert-zh

M 6.2 79.7 km E of Taitung City 2007-01-25 18:59 #005 (0125185962005) … 962005.gif … 962005.txt


Earthquake No.: 96005

Origin time (Taiwan Standard Time: GMT+08:00): 1/25/2007 18:59:16.6

Location: 22.86N 121.91E, i.e. 79.7 km E of Taitung City

Depth : 5.0 km

Magnitude(ML): 6.2

Local Largest Intensity :

Taitung County 4
Hualien County 4
Taitung City 3
Hualien City 3
Chiayi County 3
Yunlin County 3
Chiayi City 3
Douliou City 3
Pingtung County 3
Taichung County 3
Miaoli County 3
Kaohsiung County 2
Tainan County 2
Pingtung City 2
Nantou County 2
Kaohsiung City 2
Nantou City 2
Yilan County 2
Changhua City 2
Changhua County 2
Taichung City 2
Yilan City 2
Tainan City 2
Miaoli City 2
Hsinchu City 2
Taipei City 2
Taoyuan County 1
Taipei City 1
Penghu County 1
Taoyuan City 1
Keelung City 1[/code]

M 6.2 台東成功地震站東偏南方 61.9 公里 2007-01-25 18:59 #005 (0125185962005) … 962005.gif … 962005.txt

[code] 中央氣象局地震測報中心 第005號有感地震報告
發 震 時 間: 96年 1月25日18時59分16.6秒
震 央 位 置: 北 緯 22.86 °
東 經 121.91 °
震 源 深 度: 5.0 公里
芮 氏 規 模: 6.2
相 對 位 置: 台東成功地震站東偏南方 61.9 公里

                             各 地 震 度 級

台東地區最大震度 4級 花蓮地區最大震度 4級 嘉義地區最大震度 3級
成 功 4 富 里 4 阿里山 3
東 河 4 舞 鶴 3 嘉義市 3
長 濱 4 紅 葉 3 六 腳 3
池 上 4 光 復 3 大 埔 2
台東市 3 磯 崎 3 草 山 2
太麻里 3 鹽 寮 3
蘭 嶼 3 西 林 3
初 鹿 2 壽 豐 3
利 稻 2 花蓮市 3
玉 里 2
花蓮港 2
銅 門 2
太魯閣 2
秀 林 1
雲林地區最大震度 3級 屏東地區最大震度 3級 台中地區最大震度 3級
草 嶺 3 恆 春 3 大 肚 3
斗六市 3 九 如 2 德 基 2
屏東市 2 東 勢 2
小琉球 2 台中市 2
苗栗地區最大震度 3級 高雄地區最大震度 2級 台南地區最大震度 2級
鯉魚潭 3 桃 源 2 楠 西 2
三 義 2 旗 山 2 永 康 2
苗栗市 2 高雄市 2 佳 里 2
高雄港 2 台南市 2
甲 仙 1
南投地區最大震度 2級 宜蘭地區最大震度 2級 彰化地區最大震度 2級
日月潭 2 南 山 2 彰化市 2
名 間 2 蘇澳港 2 大 城 2
南投市 2 羅 東 2
埔 里 1 宜蘭市 2
蘇 澳 1
內 城 1
新竹地區最大震度 2級 台北地區最大震度 2級 桃園地區最大震度 1級
新竹市 2 信義區 2 三 光 1
台北市 1 桃園市 1
基隆市 1
澎湖地區最大震度 1級
馬 公 1


I don’t need to sign up for no earthquake alert; I get an alert within seconds of any earthquake, when my furniture starts shaking and my windows start rattling.

I didn’t feel anything at all.