Earthquakes 2018

“Firmware.” Heh.

Dogs got really scared.

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So can I, I detected two yesterday.

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I don’t either, but it sounds cool.

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Can I apply the ‘Icon disaster’ theory to my intestinal workings?:thinking:

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Depends if you are lactose intolerant too.

Now, guys, remember, I only have to be right once.

Maybe @Icon going to 11 also works on earthquakes and not just typhoons. Scare’em off good, make 'em go to Japan.

Going to Japan to escape earthquakes is like going to Florida to escape hurricanes.

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I think he means scare the natural disasters off to Japan.

edit: actually, the more I read it, the more I do not know what he means.

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You got it. :+1: @Icon is responsible for sending all typhoons to Japan this year. Maybe works for quakes as well.

Thanks, Icon.

Looking forward to Jade Rabbit now.


@Icon probably best you pack up and head back to the old country now!

It’s Coming!

For a 7 pointer I won’t even get my passport off its sleeve. Anything close to 8 might worry me.

A 7 bang in the middle Taipei would be catastrophic. Let’s not kid ourselves. But that’s cool, all those regular earthquake drills mean we’re safe. :roll:

What Bear says. I dunno why, but today he’s the voice of sapience. @icon, calm down, and if you are too calmed, get nervous!

th’ bear abides :paw_prints:

Not happening

Below image for 1991 - 2006

Below image is from 1973-1992

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Could happen. Happened to Christchurch. One of the most violent urban earthquakes ever (the second one) and it happened on a blind fault. Completely unpredictable.


Yup we don’t know where all the faults are
Besides Taipei has the sleeping but not dead Tatum volcano group within sight of the city
And what’s also bad Taipei is built ion sediment that could all be subject to liquefaction

And furthermore Taipei rhymes with Pompeii

Not good

I’m having an icon moment sorry


It’s the liquefaction that killed Christchurch. Only a 6.3 quake, only 10 seconds but shallow and very violent.