Earthquakes 2020

Didn’t feel a thing here in Taichung.

Hopefully these two are letting off pressure, preventing a catastrophic quake. That’s how I like to think, anyway.


Lucky me missed out as I am in Australia for a month - have sent a message to the CWB to have it all sorted before 6 March.

Yeah, I get a lot more nervous when there hasn’t been a small one for several months.

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Dammit I didn’t feel either of them…

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I did have a bad dose of the shakes when we had that week long swarm mostly situated just south of Suao a couple of years back. Quite a lot in the 4-5 range.

I felt them both. But I’m on the 13th floor and slightly inebriated (if that makes any sense).
Wife was screaming and shouting like a rabid banshee.
I’m like “Yeah, and?”

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3rd floor in Yilan, felt them both but the first one was clearly stronger.
It’s always Hualien, ffs. Our Southern neighbors really need to tone it down a bit with all the shaking.


more like a month

feb of 2018 had 500 of them. terrifying as i lived fairly close

as a human?


So let me see if I get you right, @IbisWtf
Spinning winds? Yay! :happyrunningaround:
Shaking grounds? Nay! :runaway:


Yes. I just feel like an insignificant speck of dust in a cold, indifferent universe.


In the “Nay!” list I think we can safely add the chinese flying aids.




The human has a point…

Me too. Sitting in my lazy boy recliner watching the NBC Evening News and I felt a little dizzy. Just thought it was because I took a brisk 10k walk through the farmlands in the sunshine and high humidity.

I passed it off as a dizzy spell and didn’t bother to check this derelict gossip rag! Lol

Shimen District, North Coast

I read “Sitting in my lady boy”… :scream:


Here we go again
Hualien again
Woke me up

That’s 4 all in one night, same location.

I felt that one light shaking all the way from Hualien.

Looks like we are getting another lovely swarm of earthquakes in the same epicenter from a year ago where there were over 500 in 1 month.

Just tonight (early morning) there have been 3 or 4 of them in the same spot. All 4.0+