Earthquakes 2020

Just another day in Taiwan.


i’m not feeling any of them. what’s wrong with me? :teddy_bear:

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Same here

Try putting the whisky down a bit :2cents:

I’ve been pretty drunken over the last day or two, and I felt them. Bang goes that theory!


Seems like pretty drunk isn’t drunk enough:joy:

Never felt any of them yet. My motto is “if there wall ain’t cracking, it ain’t really shaking”.

Why would anyone want to reside in Hualian?

Or basically anywhere down the East Coast for that matter. Less crowded and better air, but pay for it with more shaking.

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Not a good idea to start a ceramics collection when living on the east coast.

Heyaaa. Felt a bit of shaking in Taichung.

similar to this 3 days ago


Yeah a gentle nudge from the earthquake gods, Taipei.

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I’m literally only person in the office that noticed shaking just now in Taipei, people think im crazy

Pretty shallow, 7km

Nice map but why does purple designate the worst intensity on that map. Are they anti-purple? I like purple. I’m triggered.

PS: Didn’t feel any earthquake.

So, most of the shakes in the past week have all been from around that area.

Theory - someone buried a Container Full of Masks around there when SARS died down, now is trying to get it out, but Earthquake Gods say NO.

The intensity of an earthquake is a measure of the degree of vibration that people can feel on the Earth’s surface, or the degree of damage for an object under vibration.

Today seismic apparatus is able to portray detailed earthquake acceleration, such that the intensity can be classified according to the information on the acceleration. Scales of the earthquake intensities exist as positive numbers.

Earthquake Intensity Table

Intensity Scale Ground Acceleration(cm/s2,gal) Effects on People Effects Indoors Effects Outdoors
0 - Micro Below 0.8 Not felt.
1 - Very minor 0.8~2.5 Felt only by a few people at rest, vibrates slightly.
2 - Minor 2.5~8.0 Felt by the majority of people. Some awakened from sleeping. Hanging lamps and objects vibrate slightly. Standing vehicles vibrate slightly, similar to being passed by a truck, but only lasts for a short time.
3 - Light 8~25 Felt by nearly everyone, a few frightened. Buildings shake; dishes, windows, and doors shake making sounds; hanging objects shake visibly. Standing vehicles vibrate obviously; electric wires sway gently.
4 - Moderate 25~80 Many people are quite frightened, looking for safe shelter. Most people are awakened from sleep. Buildings rock noticeably; unstable objects topple over; heavy furniture moves; may cause slight damage. Felt by drivers; electric wires sway obviously, felt by people walking.
5 - Strong 80~250 Most people are considerably frightened. Walls crack; heavy furniture may overturn. Noticeably felt by drivers; some chimneys and large archways topple over.
6 - Very Strong 250~400 People have trouble walking due to violent rocking. Damage to some buildings; heavy furniture overturns; doors and windows bend. Drivers have trouble steering; sand and clay blasts occur.
7 - Great 400 and above People move with difficulty due to severe rocking. Severe damage to or collapse of some buildings; almost all furniture moves or falls down. Landslides and faults rupture occur; railway bend; underground lines break.

Odd that the 4.3 at Puli (where the big 9-21 shake was centered even) last night hasn’t rated a post here. Not felt by most of the Forum population I guess.

It was during dinner time. None of us in Nantou felt it.

My building shake very slightly and chandelier moving. Not sure if earthquake or something else in building.