Eat more eggs

I was surprised to find out Japan leads in egg consumption. Japanese imported chickens that laid a lot of eggs and were encouraged to eat them for protein and nutrients post war to improve the health of citizens.

Meanwhile Americans went on a unscientific fear mongering of cholesterol rich foods.

Eggs are protein rich and high in choline which is good for the brain. Eggs are basically nature’s vitamins which a little bit of everything besides vitamin C. It’s something I eat everyday in my diet.


Has anyone found grass fed eggs in Taiwan?

After having our own chickens in Italy and letting them roam and eat in the fields, I can’t go back to normal caged eggs. The taste is just so different and you can tell it’s more nutritious.

I approve this thread.

There is a strange fascination with eggs in Taiwan. Never saw any other place in the world where eggs are sold in so many different places and where you can even buy prepackaged ready-to-eat eggs in the supermarket

I eat these pretty much everyday as a snack.



That is exactly what I meant. Just out of curiosity: Do you know any other countries where eggs are sold like this in supermarkets? I have never seen this anywhere before coming to Taiwan

Pickled egg in a bag of salt and vinegar crisps. Plus a pint.

You’ll live to a hundred.


Japan and Korea and I remember Vietnam.

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What’s the difference between brown and white eggs? Also, are eggs with orange yolks healthier than eggs with yellow yolks?

I could Google, I know, but I’ve noticed the yellow-yolked eggs here in Taiwan are quite runny. And a bit too light-colored sometimes.

By all means enjoy your eggs, but eating lots of eggs is not as uncontroversial as some people might think:

The crisps and pint are OK?


Eggs that have darker orange yolks tend to have more omega 3s and vitamins. They definitely taste better from my experience. Especially raw or runny.

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You can get packaged hard boiled eggs in u.s. markets.


Aren’t the brown eggs just artificially colored? At least that is what somebody told me (I mean brown inside, not the shell)

Just different chickens.

I’ve heard claims that it’s due to diet, with exclusively feed fed chickens having yellower yolks.

Not artificial.

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Are you sure? I am not talking about the outside shell, but inside

Self-reported diet data and epidemiology has major flaws in dietary research. Japanese average almost an egg a day and eat more eggs than Americans and have very low rates of heart disease.

It’s based a lot on the chickens diet.

We have chickens in Italy. The color of the yolk can differ if we add different things to their diets. The texture also can differ along with taste.

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“A very unique thing about Korean Sauna Eggs is their egg white turns brown in color. You don’t need any special type of eggs to make them, just regular eggs :slight_smile: It’s the special cooking process that turns the egg white brown!”

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With all due respect I rather trust a multivariate scientific analysis than this overly simplistic argument. Probably the low rate of heart disease in Japan is really due to other factors such as a low rate of meat and high fish consumption and would be even lower if they also did not eat so many eggs. :blush: