Eating Snails

With all this rain I’m seeing a lot of the big stripey snails around. Due to some depressing carotid ultrasound numbers I’m severely limiting my diet, and those snails
are starting to look pretty tasty. Should be low fat.

I’m sure they’ll carry loads of disgusting scary parasites (e.g. rat lungworm) but careful handling and cooking should limit that risk.

However, you’d think if they were edible the Taiwanese, of all people, would be eating them, so I wouldn’t be seeing so many.

Anything known?

Nothing wrong with eating snails, the French love escargot. I have seen them in various parts of Asia fried with onion ginger and chilli. I don’t know which types are ok to eat and also a little to rubbery for my taste.

Long story short, don’t eat the snails.


Nothing there apart from a lot of girls blouses going EEUW! (That may not be an exact quote)
Most of those people are probably AMERICANS, (who eat MACDONALDS, FFS!, but won’t eat liver.)
Well boiled or fried parasites should be OK. Live I’d handle them carefully with gloves.

The invasive species thing, I dunno. IF its true I suppose they could be a threat to some plants,especially if they didn’t have predators, but I’d think something would be eating them.

Rats, for instance. (Hence the Rat Lungworm life cycle completion, presumably)

Or Taiwanese

Or me.

It’s your funeral, dude :idunno:

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If you’re talking about the big ass ones and I’m not mistaken you should avoid them not just because of the parasites but also because of the toxins, which AFAIK you can’t just cook them away.

It’s too late, OP’s got it tied up in his big stwong and bwave male ego to eat all the toxic snails he can get his hands on.

There are two types of turtle in Taiwan. The edible variety, and the ones you see in the rivers.

If the African giant snails were edible you wouldn’t see them.

EDIT: My mistake. They are edible.

If it’s an animal in the wild, abundantly available (unsure if there really is any other type of availability, really) and easy to find yet the ‘elder generation’ isn’t stuffing them in bags to sell or eat, I would venture to say they aren’t safe to eat.


" They are also edible if cooked properly.[23] In Taiwan, this species is used in the dish of 炒螺肉 (hot frying snails), which is a delicacy among the traditional drinking snacks. L. fulica also constitutes the predominant land snail found in Chinese markets, and larger African species have potential as small, efficient livestock"

New thread goal: encourage OP to decimate as much of the snail population as possible.

OP, I bet you can’t eat 50 snails by the end of this month.


Actually, I’ve done the research on this.

They are toxic UNLESS you eat at least 50 in a month.


If you can eat a snail after watching this, please don’t come to a Flob Happy Hour.

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They’re an invasive species, so eat away.

What I can’t believe is they’re big, slow, edible and they haven’t already all been eaten. The amahs have missed a trick.

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Are they the snails I eat when drinking beer? They are considerably smaller after the cooking process.

They might just not taste very good. Taiwanese people still enact some food standards, after all. According to a cabbie that drove me once, the reason there’s still a multitude of those white long-necked birds you see roosting in trees around parks is because they aren’t tasty.


But I think they’re the stewed snails I eat that come with loads of some basil like herb. They taste good, although like tea eggs I’ve never eaten them sober.

Are they the big snails they sell at the fish counter in Carrefour?

I don’t know, but I’d say that the ones I’ve seen served are sea snails, not land. Maybe this is more common in the wild South?

Could be. Thinking about it I don’t see them down south so much, although that could be climate related.

Good point. Not like I have paid a lot of attention to them, but the South is drier than the North, even if that doesn’t mean much.