Emergency guide to China attack for expats in Taiwan

Have been waiting a while for something like this!

Link to e-book: Emergency preparedness guide for expats in Taiwan | The Culture Shack


He is Groot.

Keoni, focus, at least when writing the headline. :man_facepalming:


Churchill was wrong.

If I know Groot his emergency preparedness would be to stockpile many many bottles of cheap whiskey.

Unsold copies of his classic “I walked around Taiwan but not in one go” tome will make for useful anti aircraft ammunition and/or sandbag ballast.


I’d suggest this book in addition, if you plan to stay and help fight:

It’s also available in traditional Chinese especially for Taiwan, but seems not linked on that page…


Thanks for linking. I skimmed it but didn’t take much away.

I’ve already got a few months of food stored, maybe a month of water. Have a well stocked bugout bag, and a primary bugout location (my friend’s place outside of town). I keep track of the China situation, and if things look serious I am most likely to try and leave.

One thing I don’t have is a communication device in case the phones don’t work. Maybe extra gasoline (which I can’t really store anyways).

Overall, not helpful for me but I guess already have food, water, bugout bag, bugout location, probably puts me ahead of the curve


I wonder how many of the Taiwanese will want to stay and fight :thinking:


If China attacks staying and dying may be better.

Better to die on your feet than slow death from starvation as famine kicks in.

Much food for thought in this manual.



An oddly specific estimate

Is that total population, or fighting age males who’ve picked up foreign passports, or what?


If im there and an invasion starts, give me a gun and ill help fight back.

Focus? Keoni? Nah, he’s gotta churn out those sub-tabloid articles to serve those malware-riddled ads!

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Taiwan News has gotten almost unreadable lately with those pop up ads. It’s made worse in that Taiwan News doesn’t have an RSS feed. Ugh.


I use Firefox with uBlock Origin and I don’t see any ads there any more. That said, I don’t want to risk anything going under my radar so I just stay away. It should be considered common courtesy just to post plain text of any Taiwan News article instead of linking to the site!

That goes for Taiwan media as well. Hate it when I enlarge Chinese text and it gets blocked by video ads. You click it away and they pop up again after 20 seconds or so.


Back to topic, I find it highly unlikely that an invasion would catch people off-guard. I think from early rumors to rockets flying or ships being blockaded there should be a window of at least a few weeks. And since there are only two realistic time windows each year because of the weather, it’s even less likely they would come over just like that. Having said that, panick buying and hoarding would definitely take place immediately after those rumors. Shelves would be empty in no time, so always good to have some safety reserves at home. I think I will assemble an emergency backpack now, but more for earthquakes than a Chinese attack.


The pirate bay wasn’t this annoying… Why have legitimate sites have popups like porn or WAREZ sites in the old days?

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