Emoji requests

Get that picture as a custom emoji. :happy_frog:

How much are you willing to pay?

How many DVD’s you want? :dvd:
I know a guy!

DVDs?! :duck:

I’ll put it on the schedule. Unfortunately we’re encountering covid-related delays at the moment

@Marco or @yyy can explain

OK, here’s :happy_frog: :happy_frog:




Has Slawabat been infected with Masalavirus?

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Signs point to yes


I know nothing of your hypothetical DVD’s, Slawabot. Nothing at all. :tumble:

I have evidence:

I know nothing of your DVD’s. @mad_masala’s are another story, which I’m not gonna tell. :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

I was hustling and bustling said guy’s DVD’s to tempogain to get my frog emoji approved. I was getting impatient after a month of waiting.

The less said about that, I think, the better. :rainbow: :unicorn:


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We need a moth emoji


We get some more custom emojis?

I really like using them and I laugh out loud even if I’m sitting alone at Starbucks getting a little bit of endorphin rush each time i use one so can we make it happen?


:tumble: :tumble:

If you provide a picture suitable for use as an emoji, I will try to make it happen.


Nice, I’ll remember that next time I post pictures, that it could be possibly become an emoji.

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