EU wants Taiwan to end death penalty

How about let’s say “Black middle class” as compared to “Black working class”?

I think we know who that really is.

The EU gives us a trade deal we get rid of the death penalty . Otherwise forget it . Agree the EU doesn’t have any business telling Taiwan what to do.

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I’d become a remainer immediately if they did something as honorable as that.

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I’m not against the death penalty in Taiwan. But I’m not particularly for it either, especially as some innocent ppl were executed here (and history of martial law).


I’m actually against it which I guess surprises you from all my otherwise right of centre views. I think there will always be innocents wrongly convicted , and also I just don’t think execution it’s right. I’m pretty consistent on my pro life beliefs.

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You can’t kind of support death penalty. You either do, or you don’t.


I’m human , sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t.
I’m mostly against it, but since it’s on the books here I’d like to see some fuckers executed first. That guy who killed little light bulb toddler can get it first !


It seems pretty natural to have conflicting feelings about something like this.


"EU wants Taiwan to end death penalty"


"Bureaucratic nightmare that wants to operate as a country demands other country, which it does not consider a country, to end death penalty"

Really activates my almonds.


Was that the one in Riverside park? If that’s the one apparently he is not getting an easy time in prison here .

The head case that beheaded a little girl.

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Yeah he’s under heavy protection as he got beaten up. Beheading a little girl is like a death sentence in.prison by prisoners before the real execution…It is only a matter of time before either the other prisoners kill him or the state.

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Some persons , I will not say they are human deserve to be jailed and then executed.

One thing is sure, the public deserve to be not put at risk, again.

I don’t think it matters so much what he deserves.

I’m generally anti death penalty

I was arguing with my wife, and I pointed out that Canada, EU etc. don’t have death penalty. She said “that’s because you Westerners are basically nice people, while we Chinese are generally evil, and need the death penalty to keep us in line.”

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: