Exchanging Driver's licenses in Taiwan

Does your UK licence allow you to drive scooter(or any other motorcycle) ?. Despite what @ranlee says, if your UK licence allows you to drive scooter you can directly convert it to TW licence and no need to do the test.

I had my HK drivers licence(it had both car and motorcycle on it) converted to TW licence about 1 month ago, I got both car and light motorcycle(up to 400cc I think) without having to do a test.

@ranlee is correct, @morran01 is not. However, I will add that after the 30 days, you can go to the DMV to have it stamped. This will make your IDP valid for the duration.

UK does not have a reciprocity agreement with Taiwan (See page 3).


*250 cc

Edit: Actually, I’m a bit surprised they allowed you to exchange for the motorcycle license. That seems to be quite the rare feat here. So they gave you two separate licenses?

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Okay, I am mistaken. I assumed that most licences from the EU would be convertible to a Taiwanese licence.

And yes, I received two licences(weird they cannot put both the motorcycle and car license on the same card?)

For the basis for the conversion I used a HK licence which has both car and motorcycle.

I thought you needed to take your IDP to the DMV before the 30 days have passed. But I may be wrong about that.

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Yeah, I’ve been here too long and adopted some chabuduoism.


Congratulations to those from Israel, you can now convert your license:

Does anyone have recent experience “exchanging” a foreign license for a Taiwan license?


  1. To confirm, the Taiwan DMV does not attempt to retain or destroy the foreign license ? That is, they only look at it to confirm it is valid and I would be free to go back to the foreign country and continue using it?

  2. To authenticate a US drivers license, does AIT have a form affidavit or do I need to bring one to the appointment?

  1. I was able to exchange my Texas DL last month and I retained my TX license as well.

  2. Make an appointment with AIT online and make sure to bring your drivers license with a copy of the front and back. They will give you a form at the counter. It’ll cost USD$50 for the notary and they also accept TWD.


The rules are different for different countries and states, depending on what the reciprocal agreement is. For some it’s an exchange whereby the original license is retained and a Taiwanese license given in return, for others simply showing a license is enough to obtain a Taiwanese license.