Exercise after Covid

Apologies if there is already a thread dedicated to this, I scoured the forum looking but nothing really turned up. :man_shrugging:

Just curious about posters’ experience in exercising post-Covid. I am about a week out from not testing positive anymore, and I am disappointed to say I still have an annoying cough, and my running time is considerably slower than it used to be (and my endurance considerably less as well… :unamused:)

Resting heart rate is a little elevated compared to pre-Covid, and the weirdest thing is, per my HR wearable, my heart rate takes much longer now to ramp down post-exercise than it used to. I have been back from running for over 30 minutes now and it is still 115+. Dumb.

Did some research and this article seems to hit on the elevated heart rate phenomenon post-Covid.

What has been your experience so far? Any improvements since being negative? How long did it take you to feel back to normal?

Honestly a bit bummed at the moment, hoping this shit is not permanent…

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I was weirdly unwell for two days after testing positive and then right as rain on the third day, apart from a niggly cough.

I’m stuck in the spare room in quarantine (last day!), so my exercise has been limited space wise. Stretching, plank, push ups, running on the spot, shadow boxing.

My resting pulse has fallen considerably. Today’s the seventh day since I last had a drink, which is the longest I can remember. Maybe that’s telling me something.

I should be able go to the gym tomorrow, so I’ll check out my weight and see how I go with a proper workout.


Nice. I definitely have recently known that cabin fever feeling you are having right how. Hope you don’t have any issues on the anaerobic end. Going back to the gym for the first time will be my next mission soon.

Hey might as well keep going with the alcohol-free thing, that’s awesome. Outside of the obvious health benefit, it saves money at the very least!


I feel sharp, clear-headed, and focussed.

It’s just not right. I need a gin.


There’s this thread about cycling:

Today’s the last day of my quarantine and I’m curious what exercise will be like. I lifted weights at home yesterday: first exercise since a mild case with the virus. Seemed ok, but I’m very deliberately taking it very easy.

Dunno if this means anything, but I’ve been sleeping shockingly well for me the past few days. Night after night with 7-9 (!) hours fully asleep, which almost never happens for me now: yeah I almost always go to bed for long enough, but staying asleep all night and well into daylight?! Inconceivable!

Oh I “still” have an occasional mild cough, but I sort of have that all the time anyway I think.


Really interesting; I noticed that recently as well. I used to be very sensitive to even a small change in room lighting and always started waking up when the sun gets higher each morning. Now…I seem less sensitive to that? If related, definitely a cool silver lining. Hope we can keep this

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I’m not sure what to make of it! It’s welcome, for sure. I did just finally finish off a big wave of work earlier in the week, so there’s less stress at the moment. It could also be my body is tired out from fighting the bug, but I’ve been asymptomatic, or at least with no significant symptoms, for over a week now.

For one day of illness my (Apple Watch-measured) resting heart rate jumped from 57-60 up to 68-70. It quickly went back to normal. But we’ll see how exercise goes.

I’ve never paid attention to the heart recovery before - a different metric to play with! But I’m also wary of … measurement bias? I didn’t have an Apple Watch the last time I was ill (over two years ago), so for all I know wonky heart rates are normal for me for a few weeks after illness.

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Like others Covid for me was basically a 3 day thing. Exercise since has been bad. I get to certain points and pain or difficulty breathing kicks in. Heart rate has also been elevated way more than usual and takes a while to go back to resting heart rate. Also feels like my blood pressure is higher than normal.


your prison guard (wife) only giving you bread and water?

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Not to mention Celibacy too!!

To be fair she is leaving real nice meals outside my door. But, no booze.

It’s a learning experience. I only had about a quarter bottle of gin left in the house when I became ill.

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