Expat tattoos face with 臺灣 and independence flag

Yeah, I was being facetious. Cambodia is pretty much bought and paid for with Chinese money, both “white” and “black,” and no matter who the attackers were, they were probably secure in the knowledge that there was little chance of any repercussions for teaching the laowai a little lesson.

British man with ‘Taiwan’ tattoo on forehead beaten by 10 Chinese in Cambodia

Taiwan News, once again solely focusing on the best the ex-pat community has to offer. :roll_eyes:

If this qualifies as news, then can’t you at least do a couple feel-good puff pieces about the vast majority of us who aren’t getting face tats and fighting with Chinese triads? But I guess that doesn’t sell the copies (or however you guys peddle it these post-print days).

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For once I agree with them (the “news” website). The man is already a celebrity, for better or worse. And hey, we were talking about it before they chipped in with the article, so we can’t really criticize them for covering it.


Don’t worry nobody reads Taiwan news except expats who complain about Taiwan news!
Taiwanese don’t read English media.

" British man beaten by…" why do they said British, he is a Taiwan citizen.

It’s mildly amusing to see how much care do western newspaper take to always says criminals, in for example France, are french while they were born abroad and never mentions the country of origin, but this privilege seems to apply only for non-white?

Where is it confirmed he is Taiwanese ? I remember there being some uncertainty concerning this.

He claims to have citizenship and I’m inclined to believe him because wouldn’t he have otherwise been deported by now?

Likes on FB and eyeballs on the website. It is all what matters now.


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They blurred his bloody face in the first picture while there is a similar picture in the article which is not blurred out.

It seems to be standard practice with them. I can’t figure out why.

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I guess it is to safeguard people who are looking on the front page.
The front page only shows a summary and the first image.
While other people who click the news will see all details.

I thought that too, but if you look at some of the other articles the blurred out image is not bloody or unpleasant. For example, the American MMA guy who was secretly filming women he had one night stands with has the image of a woman blurred out, but then later in the article the same picture is used and she’s not blurred out. I thought they were protecting her privacy, but clearly they don’t give a toss about that so there must be another reason.


Supposedly, getting a like releases serotonin and makes people high. We are getting addicted to it.

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He is a victim of too much 黃酒, Southern Taiwan “culture” and his own pathological self. He has a track record of destructive and violent behavior and there have been many incidents in which he initiated aggressive behavior. I do not believe his account of what happened at all.

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how about no?

I mean, every country in south east Asia…no…every country IN THE WORLD deserves to experience the cultural enrichment that such a smart, charming individual can bring. We should hope that the rest of the world could learn something from him, so we must learn to let him go.


Yeah well you don’t get to decide who enriches Taiwan or not so boo fecking hoo. 10x better than people who will sell out Taiwan for $$$.



did any board members get the chance to visit his bar? after seeing the photos i’m quite curious. it looks like the shittiest bar ever!

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There’s a limited selection of drinks.

Oops, I just made you high. Sorry! :oops:

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