EZ Way App - Customs information

No, it is encoded the right way!

The format of the second row is:

Positions Length Chars Meaning
1–6 6 num Date of birth (YYMMDD)
7 1 num Check digit over digits 1–6
8 1 alpha+< Sex (M, F or < for male, female or unspecified)
9-14 6 num Expiration date of document (YYMMDD)
15 1 num Check digit over digits 9–14
16–18 3 alpha+< Nationality
19–29 11 alpha+num+< Optional1
30 1 num Check digit over digits 6–30 (upper line), 1–7, 9–15, 19–29 (middle line)

The nationality length is 3, but since Germany only needs D the other two slots are filled up with <


So D<< is correct!

Yes my expiration for APRC is set to 991231 → 2099.12.31 the latest date possible for the encoding standard.
Fun fact: it also could be 1999.12.31

Well in 70 years they have to come up with something new!
The year 2100 bug is coming! :bug: