Farewell, Dragonbones! 💔

I don’t speak Chinese, so I wrote up some biographical/medical info about me, and I ran it through Google Translate, and I also pasted an image of a pertinent post in this thread (along with the URL, but with the username blacked out) in order to show why I had come there, and I printed that stuff out and went to a nearby blood donation place, and a lady there looked at the info, and she said, “Yī, jiǔ, wǔ, sān,” and then she went to talk to someone, and then she came back with her phone out and caused its screen say, “Exceed,” and “65,” and maybe some other word(s) (not sure/don’t remember), and she showed the screen to me, and I asked her if I was too old, and she responded in the affirmative.

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