Foreign work visa application eligibility for Overseas Taiwanese Nationals (NWOHR)

My son did the same. He got his Taiwan passport in Australia but no TARC yet. The law may change where those born to an ROC parent who had HHR when they were born can get HHR and ID card and not need TARC in future. Law has been read but not passed yet.

Wow that’s good to know, thanks for sharing! If it’s true, it’d a huge load off my shoulders. Many like me would be very happy!

It’s true. It was just passed and it will come into effect soon, but nobody knows when exactly yet. It could be Jan. 1, 2024, or maybe 2025, or whenever. I’m guessing no later than 2026.

If you already have a job offer right now, I wouldn’t hold my breath.

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Thanks! Hopefully sooner than later :slight_smile:

I already have a job offer but looks like I will just have to apply for work visa on my Indo passport, which is not a big issue, just not a preferred route. Appreciate your help.

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