Foreign work visa application eligibility for Overseas Taiwanese Nationals (NWOHR)

On a related tangent, if one had HHR, and a friend did not, would there be any downside to letting them use your address? :thinking:

That’s a very good question that I am also interested in. There is some discussion on this here:

If you in fact go through this process (allowing a friend to use your HHR, or you using a friend’s HHR), please share your experiences!

No. My wifes relatives are listed on our HHR and I and the head of household.

So if they went nuts and committed a crime, or welched on a debt or something, there’s no legal ramifications to the actual head of household regarding them ostensibly living under the same roof?

No. The property is not in their name nor are they part owners. I’m not even the owner of the property as I am not indigenous. I cannot be held responsible for what other adults do. They cannot use the property as collateral to get loans.

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Interesting, why is it then that (some) landlords get twitchy about renters registering with the rented address?

Or is that just the ones who aren’t reporting the rental income on their taxes and they’re worried that HHR by a tenant will be used as evidence in case of an audit or whatever…?

They cannot stop you anymore. It’s because they don’t want to declare the income. I do not get any income from relatives on my HHR. One of the relatives actually lives in Shalu. But to maintain some benefits as an indigenous person her HHR must at an indigenous area.


No. Being in the same household doesn’t mean they are part of your family. They could be roommates, tenants, etc.

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Yo, I think we’re speaking the same language here. To clarify, there are 2 cards - ARC and TARC. ARC for foreign residents and TARC for nationals without household registration (like me!). So I replied saying that the point no.4 requirement on the website could be referring to ARC, meaning it only applies to Foreigners, not me.

I specifically stated that I am a Taiwanese National without citizenship and that I have no ID Card, only passport. They confirmed that they only need a passport, not ID card or residence proof.


Yes I have lived in Taiwan on an ARC and when naturalized as NWOHR, had a TARC and got my HHR and ID card. I know the difference.

would you not stand already by your mandarin accent? indo-chinese and taiwanese and chinese mandarin all have different accents. a native speaker would know without looking at your passport.

Do you mean they said they accept a passport without a national ID number?

Hey! So I have double confirmed with Taiwan Immigration. The conclusion is that citizen ID will be required to apply for work visa in foreign countries if we want to go with Taiwanese identity, except when we work in Taiwan. If we want to work as a taiwanese in other countries (Thailand for ex) without having citizen ID, we need to meet one other condition, i.e., to renounce your other citizenship and provide proof of document.

This whole post is confusing. Why would Taiwan immigration have any say in this matter? Aren’t you trying to get a visa which is issued by the Thai government?

So ID required by the Taiwan government to work in Thailand


Huh? Didn’t you already say ID is required?

So if you renounce your Indonesian citizenship, then Taiwan NWOHR will be your only citizenship? How can you have NWOHR citizenship without any other citizenship? That’s almost like being stateless, since NWOHR is not a real citizenship for most intents and purposes.

It is not up to Taiwan immigration over what other country you can get a work permit for. Also I assume you have Taiwan national passport through parents?
Or did you apply to naturalize as a foreigner who are required to renounce foreign citizenship?


I have had NWOHR citizenship without any other citizenship. So do many people who renounce foreign citizenship for Taiwan. You are a Taiwan national you are not stateless.

Many people have been in this situation. One lass born and raised in the Philippines never had citizenship there she had Taiwan NWOHR passport. She moved to Taiwan but due to lack of documentation from her parents it took her a long time to get her HHR and ID card. She is well known on FB groups in Taiwan


Yes I got it through my father who is a full taiwanese citizen but given certain circumstances, I only had a chance to apply for it after 20 years old :frowning:

The first time I got this information that ID is required was from TH Embassy in Taiwan, yes. But I said I “double” confirmed it with Taiwan Immigration. What are you picking at here? How is this whole post confusing?

The original 1 question is simple. Can NWOHRs holding TARC apply for work visas in foreign countries using Taiwanese passport? Yes or no? I found the answer myself that it is a NO. Thank you.

Yes correct. I was told, following the renunciation, I can still use the Taiwanese passport to apply for any type of visas and reside in any country. Now that there is no other citizenship, they grant you this freedom but it still does not bypass the requirement to stay in Taiwan for at least 1 year without departure to obtain full citizenship.