Foreigners that grew up in Taiwan

I’m curious to hear stories about life growing up here. Especially if you were born before 2000s. I’m sure there has to be at least one person here with stories.


My lad born here in 1991, left to got o University in Australia in 2011. He’s not on this forum though. Had a decent life in Taiwan comes back every year in Dec Jan with his wife and kids.


@tommy525 is called.


Is his wife Taiwanese ? Just curious
And hey really great to see you on here again sat tv!!

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Where do I start ? Do you have time to read a novel ?




His wife is Australian. They met when he was in his first year of university in Sydney in 2011.
It’s good to be resurrected :slight_smile:


Hapas can look more Asian or more white
I happen to look more Asian so mostly I appealed more to Asian girls rather than white girls growing up.

I’m not sure it’s still the case with the current crop
of college kids but a lot of hapa kids back when I was young were more associated with Asian young people

Strangely myself had mostly white Male friends but all Asian GFs don’t know if maybe that was somewhat related to my dad being white and my mom Asian ?

Don’t know if that’s the way it was with others

Hapa girls though should be able to go Asian or white as easily


A citizen, though, right?

Not ready to write my autobiography yet but in a nutshell

Born and raised and in Taiwan from 50s to 90s Raised by mom friends with Dad

Had an exceptional childhood/early adult
Well liked and constant attention received from people around me

All good stuff nothing bad
Charmed existence really

Nearly drowned twice and ran over by a taxi once
Survived them without a scratch :smiley_cat:


dang, that’s a lot of years being raised up :blush:


Don’t think I’m grown up yet !! But I did just add an ‘and’ hope that works


No. A Foreigner. Children born to a foreign father and ROC mother before 2000 were not granted citizenship here. I was not a citizen here when he was born in Taiwan. Although with the new law he was able to get a Taiwan passport in 2012 but no HH or ID card. So he had to leave Taiwan when his dependent ARC expired when he turned 20.

TECO in Australia were very confused when my son had to show his fathers Taiwan ID card and TECI staff saw that he was a white dude. :slight_smile:

Also children born here of two foreign parents are not citizens either although they can naturalize after 3 years of residency.


to be fair, that was born and raised. Maybe “born” took up the first few decades.

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Must have been ghost month.

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I don’t watch many foreign Youtubers living in Taiwan, but I watch Tyna’s channel.

Wouldn’t be surprised if she was on Forumosa.

In Taiwan since age six I believe.

When it comes to Chinese language fluency, it makes a real difference if you have gone through the school system. Even if you spend the same amount of time here as an adult, you will never catch up with someone like Tyna.


Gotta watch that channel !

Meantime no one asked but I will tell
Bout my two near drownings
First I may have been 4 or 5 and they were digging these big holes to install telephone poles and they were filled with water
Well I fell in one and thank goodness a neighbor saw me and pulled me out

Another time me and a few fellow TAS students just got our Red Cross lifeguard certificates (but apparently not our Intelligence certificates) as we went body surfing in wanli in 8 foot seas

Well we got pulled out to sea for must be a mile really thought we were goners

Waves rolled us like being in a giant washing machine

We all made it back after near an hour by using our training and going sideways and not fighting the rip currents and finally body surfed in

Now I just swim in swimming pools


Thought you said your kid was foreign born and came back here and went to international school?

Edit: just read the above again. You didn’t actually say those words.

Excellent Taiwanese mandarin !! These two

@tommy525 Thank you! Feel free to share more whenever.

@hannes ohhh I’ll definitely watch it later! Thank you!