Can let me know what you’re thinking in a PM Prefer not to make discussions business related here
More news on Taiwan- Baltic ties for Democracies
You can have some of the Baltics in Taiwan (Beer at Simple mart is cheaper if I remember the price for 3 than the market in Villinus, and BTW no beer sales in the afternoon on Sunday, different from Pingtung whereI think you can buy most of time ). Goes well with pork sandwhich
[quote=“Explant, post:17, topic:221731, full:true”]
[quote=“DKaoshuing, post:16, topic:221731, full:true”]
Summer photos, with clothing (shorts for the day, sexy clothes for the evening haha)
I saw Gua bao in Tallin, Estonia (Public Market ), a bit expensive at nine euro (270$)
On a less happy note, forumosans flying to and from the Baltics should be aware of this:
Last 46 hours Baltic Jammer has been running in south Baltics.
At least 873 unique aircrafts has had their navigation equipment jammed. Each one a passenger jet filled with civilians.
E.g. Ryanairs SP-RKS has been without GPS for at least 2 hours going in and out of Vilnius.
It’s apparent that Russia is trying to cause these planes to crash.
At that time, flew to Helsinki from Italy no delays in the air, only delays was the snow on the ground.
That street looks super comfortable
Some Baltic and Taiwan news
No details released on what those PRC consular officials did.
My guesses would range from threats to intimidation to attempted bribery . . .