Forumosa vs. Taiwaneasy, Forumosa then vs. now

They don’t even have tails…

Oh god no. We’d never get on with them. Their body odor alone is too powerful.

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It’s like a metaphor, man (for the ones who don’t have tails).

And our musk isn’t?

Anyways, I heard they eat human flesh.

Our musk is strong, but it’s a good strong. It’s a strong that says “here be warriors”.

In other words, chemical warfare.

Yeah, since when is musk a bad thing???

A skunk would say that.

Have you ever been in cow barn? Musk is not even close!

Does a bear shit in the woods?

I actually kinda like the smell of a cow barn (pigs not so much).

I’d rather smell cow shit than skunk musk.

Thanks for the vote of confidence! Stables aren’t bad either. :grin:

Get a, uh…stall, you two.

We’ll have to find one you haven’t sprayed first.

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Forumosa - as long as I still remember my password :wink:
My all time fave topic is weather thread.

Getting a bit weird there right now. Check it out. (Not as weird as the above exchange in which members have taken on the identity of their animal avatars, though.)

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I tried to sign up to Taiwanease but couldn’t do it for some reason …So never bothered in the end.

Just think of the scintillating cricket thread I have been missing…

Jimmy , come back we will create a special ‘Sunday Evening Sesh’ forum just for you !

It’s on invitation only! :wink:

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Yep. We only accept cricket fans.

By the way, I see the cricket thread getting a few knockers here. I’ll have you know that the quality of posts there is second to none. It’s almost a written form of Test Match Special. Presley, cfimages and I do an outstanding job.


Taiwanease is such a dumb name too.

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