Forumosa vs. Taiwaneasy, Forumosa then vs. now

Cos Forumosa is an outstanding name…:slight_smile:

Yeah the names are weirdly equivalent in their cute cleverness

Not weird…it was the same person who came up with both of them I’m guessssssing…


It’s still a bit corny, but it’s a much better pun or play on words, if that’s what you’re going for.

You guys are surely aware they changed it to “taiwaneasy” a long time ago.

Don’t think so! I think someone else started and we picked it up at some point. It’s gone through a couple of iterations*/


Get a rope.

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Is it ‘For You Mosa’ or ‘Forum Mosa’?

That’s better?

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Was there ever a time when this site and that one had comparable traffic, or has it always been kinda dead?

They’re still around?

Taiwanize is better!

Nothing is easy in Taiwan! :laughing:


Yes. I met cfimages at a Guns 'n Roses concert a few months ago. Nice chap, although not a drinker so I had to retire to the bar. Haven’t met Presley in years.

He was probably working!

Every other man and his dog was filming the gig on their phones, so maybe.

Forumosa was a typo. I was having lunch in downtown Chicago when I mistyped Formosa. The website was called Segue Taiwan at that time.

Taiwanease was originally registered by Kenny Giffen of Canada. He was leaving Taiwan and liked Forumosa and offered it to us on the condition that we build something with it. That’s how the magazine was started.


I think it’s clever. Taiwanese or taiwaneasy is kinda lame.


Old Goose is not a bad egg :smirk::slightly_smiling_face:

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Well no, it was a pure break away from this site so it was always smaller. MM’s hope I guess was that enough of us would follow him and his mods across for it to gain momentum and be a viable alternative. Some posters did start posting over there, some mods worked both sides and there was a reasonable amount of traffic but just not enough for it to gain traction. The problem was there was no real reason to switch except out of loyalty and it was ridiculous to post on both sides in identical threads.

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