Forumosa's speed

I use the same DNS settings in my work as my home. I use and Is there others you use? I could try them out.

I’m using Hinet, but I currently have: for primary and for secondary

Looks like you might be using an older one or something.

The strange thing is that during the day times, I almost never have these invalid_sessions. I’m getting them during the evening around the 9pm-12am time frame.

Thanks I’ll try

Like clockwork, getting screwed again even with the DNS changes and flushing IE. Tis is :fume: :wall: :wall:

I’m dying… :cry:

Yellow Cartman,
Get rid of all that filthy porn installed in your computer and it might run a little quicker! :wink:

I want to insult somebody, but by the time the page loads I forget who and why. It’s infuriating.

i’ve had so many invalid sessions pop up on completed posts that i’ve taken to copying every post longer than 10 words, just in case, before pressing submit. pita for sure. anything i can do (just removed all the porn - er, some of the porn … ok, there’s still enuf to fill a museum :slight_smile: )

Isn’t it better these days? That’s my impression.

Or is there less traffic, hence less load to the server?

It has gotten better, but there’s still times when it gets incredibly slow. Just as an example, after the earthquake Monday night, it was taking several minutes to load each page. Sure, that’s a peak load, but it’s nevertheless an indication that there’s room for improvement.

Today’ been slower than usual. At 1 pm it was taking 5 minutes to load a page. No “timeout” warnings or anything – just ponderous, high blood pressure-inducing slowness.

I’ve found the whole web to be considerablly slower over the last 7-10 days, especially getting to sites outside Taiwan. Forumosa has been very slow for the last few days and I feel today it is really slow.

Patience, patience… We’ve already ordered a higher-speed set-up. It’ll kick in sometime in the next couple of weeks…

I c-a-n-t p e r f o r m m m m mm :help:

[quote=“Rascal”]Isn’t it better these days? That’s my impression.
For me it’s gone from “slow as molasses” to “please bring back the molasses”.


Invalid session. I’m giving up. Can somebody let me know when it’s fixed?

Sign up for the Monday Weekly Alert. We’ll get those going regularly after we make the move to the Fast Server

Every click is a log out session for me. I’m so screwed in the evenings…

Is it just me… does the quantity of posts seem to have dropped off since the hassles with the S L O W speed of the site and the constant invalid sessions?

For me at least, I have tried so many times to make a post and give up after a dozen or so invalid sessions. Combined with the lack of site speed and it takes damn near forever to actually post something.

I am sure Forumosa must be suffering in quantity/quality of posts, but also people dropping off who can’t be bothered anymore. :frowning:

very slooow…constant invalid sessions…good luck with the new servers!

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