Free Chinese classes for spouses of Taiwanese nationals?

I remember reading something a long time ago about Chinese classes that foreign spouses of Taiwan nationals can go to in order to improve their Chinese. After googling I found this article, but it is old:

Does anyone have any up to date information regarding this?

My Mandarin is okay, but if I could improve it for free then why not, right?

That would be interesting to know.
Please update if you find anything.

The school is 國民小中學附設補習學校 (supplementary compulsory school), and still exist. It is different from mandarin classes for immigrants.

Now, I just put a link of Chinese iinfo. If nobody would have done, I’ll add English info later.


2. 國小補校:(1)不受學區限制,一律免學雜費。(2)配合學期制,一學期上課22週。(3)修業三年,考驗及格,頒發國小補校畢業證書。
3. 臺北市共有16所國小補校,其所在行政區、校名、校址、電話等詳如附件。


Here’s my poor attempt (my first time translating from written Chinese into English):

Taipei City Public National Elementary School Affiliated Tutoring School

  1. There are no perquisite qualifications for enrolling into the elementary school, for enrolling into the junior or high school/professional advanced studies, there are age/degree level requirements for which you need proof.
  2. Elementary tutoring school: (1) No restrictions on where you reside, completely free of tuition fees. (2) Follows a semester system where you take 22 weeks of classes per semester. (3) After studying for three years and passing an examination, you will be awarded with a diploma issued by National Elementary School.
  3. There is a total of 16 of these elementary tutoring schools in Taipei City. The administrative district where each school is located, name, address, telephone number etc are detailed in this attachment. (where?)
    Tutoring and advanced study pedagogy:
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國民小中學附設補習學校 is supplementary compulsory school.

Taipei city government:
Where are the Elementary School Affiliated Supplementary Schools in Taipei?

Supplementary Compulsory School Affiliated with a Junior High School

補習及進修教育法 is Supplementary Education Act.
English version

New immigrants area Taipei City

There are 225 supplementary elementary schools and 180 junior high schools in Taiwan.

Doesn’t the Community Center for international community offer classes?

They aren’t free unfortunately.38%20PM

Did you end up finding / taking free Chinese courses?