French student in Singapore pulling her eyes mocking Asians

I’m not sure if you’re being pedantic or what, but from your original reply it definitely reads like you thought I was mixing up the Buddhist symbol with the Nazi symbol like I’m FOB. Whatever though…

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It’s kind of like those Latin Americans who are constantly complaining about the U.S. being called America.


You don’t see a true Scotsman crap his pants when Chinese people run around in kilts.


What the Nazis adopted was none of those things. The original versions had no specific color, could be rotated clockwise or counterclockwise, and there were many different styles.

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oh baby you just shut your mouth

It is very fashionable in universities these days to make fun of white people (Internet memes of Karen, for example). If you haven’t heard of this, perhaps you aren’t in a position to be aware of it, but absolutely it happens.


One girl doing something childish in a social media post and was subsequently retweeted many thousands of times by people who like to be outraged. That many thousands of retweets doesn’t equate to many thousands of people doing what she did. The IG post would have died the embarrassing death it should have if an equally childish drama queen hadn’t highlighted it’s existence. Just because “whites” can’t, usually, read or understand Chinese doesn’t mean “whites” believe Chinese are walking around saying how wonderful all the “whites” are in their “western country”.

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Me? A Trumpist? :rofl:

@DrewC you’ve read a bunch of my posts, am I a Trumpist?

Do you even speak Chinese bro?

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What? You’re not a Trumpist? You just shattered my whole worldview… :grin:



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I’m a non-white living in the United States and I make disrespectful comments about white people all the time.


Good point…Eh…What ? :joy:

Colorism has got to go folks!

Definitely much worse than making Chinese eyes

Although some of the girls look cute

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Like I said, I view it more a failing of the education system here than any real malice on the part of Taiwanese youth. I don’t think they’re anti-Semitic, because I bet at least half of them don’t even know that Judaism exists. When I mentioned I was Jewish to a student once, I got a blank stare and had to explain what it is. In all fairness, I only had a faint notion of what Taoism was before I came here and now I’m married to a Taoist!


Where everybody else sees swastikas, @tommy525 sees cute girls. :grin:


You genuinely haven’t seen non whites in Europe taunting the locals ? Seriously?

Do they wear pants under the kilt?

He’s a trumpetist.

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I never seen anyone wearing anything

I have an aunt who is from Mauritius (Bhojpuri group), and two mixed cousins.
Lived 10 years in that kind of Paris suburban where the average white guy is cleary in the minority
Boss was a Sephardi, my secretary from Morocco.

Good thing I didn’t go berserk every time I heard a rant or a joke against “Ze Gallics”, otherwise I would be in a mental health unit since long time ago.

Maybe you could calm down a little bit and open your eyes, mate.

I like Miles Davis though. Nice trumpet.