Friday Game: Guess Who?

That’s it, just guess the guy in the pic.
First correct one does the next pic.
No cheating
Not that I can figure out how you would, but…

OK, here goes…


Your much younger brother?

Is it Tommy57FU?

Burton Cummings

Einstein Jr.?

Brent Spiner

[edit] I take that back, he’s not that chubby I should think

[quote=“TwoTongues”]Brent Spiner

[edit] I take that back, he’s not that chubby I should think[/quote]

Nay, but good guess.

Given the T-shirt warning and the fact that he’s wearing bands (bracelets, or whatever that poncy shit is called), he has to be some kind of sexual deviant.
Larry Flint’s brother?

Oh shit I think I know who it is, is it that ugly mofo used to do porn in the late 80’s early 90’s. No not The Hedgehog, gimme a minute… (damn these work computers!)

[quote=“almas john”]Given the T-shirt warning and the fact that he’s wearing bands (bracelets, or whatever that poncy shit is called), he has to be some kind of sexual deviant.
Larry Flint’s brother?[/quote]

Ahhhhh, but what kind, hmmmmmm??

ITIOFD, I am unaware of any particular deviancies exhibited by the gentleman at any time.
Certainly, no aspect of his CTF (Claim to Fame™) is related to such proclivities.

OK I’ve conferred with several colleagues, and we all agree, it’s Bea Arthur, 100% sure.

Gomer Pyle’s boyfriend “Goober”!

I know it was taken 2005 if that is of any help.

Hey, who’s ejudicating here?
How many should we go before giving up?

Goober isn’t correct? :noway:

Maybe you oughtta give those who actually have to work for a livin’ a chance to check it out after work before throwing in the towel. Personally, I’ll take some hints - eventually someone’ll have a loser-enough life to get it (to be fair, I include myself in that bunch).

Hey I’m cool with waiting, I got all Jeebis weekend.

Not that I’m back, or anything.

Carry on.

No, it wasn’t fucking Goober, YOU’RE fucking Goober.

Is he the future PM of Canookistan?

Can we ask yes/no questions?

Ummm, well, that isn’t really what this is about, since it’s more about recognizing the dude…

If Deuce and Elekstronko say OK, then it’s alright with me.