Fridges and freezers

I’ve been looking at the 7,000nt freezer at Costco.The chest type that has a lift up top and pull out lower draw for vegetables etc.

It is made in China. If it was 12,000nt and made in Japan I would have brought it already.

I don’t want the bigger one Costco have. Too big for our area.

Has anybody purchased this freezer and had success?

The price of food here is absurd. The cost isnt.

People have too much money and too little brains here to care, so its hard to blame the middlemen all the time.

The markets near the international airport have really cheap produce. I can get three apples or three heads of broccoli for the price as one in Taipei. It isn’t far to the fishing port then either. Worth the drive a couple of times a week.

Well I’m sure if you head over to the wholesale market or ports, you can get those produce fairly cheaply. I’m pretty sure that’s where all the traditional market vendors go to get their produce. If you got a family to feed and all that it’s worth the drive. But for everyone else not so much…

That and leafy vegetables have such short shelf life… for example green onions, bok choy, spinach, etc. aren’t much good after 3 days. I guess this is also how lunchbox places make their money.

We have been doing freezer meals lately. To offset the cost of clean food and avoid buying laced crap. Doesnt work with everything, but makes a HUGE difference!!

How do you freeze veggies without it coming out like mush?

We are doing meals, not raw veggies. So it depends entirely on the vegetable being used.

We also are doing well lot of pickling, which is awesome for things like cucumber where you want them crunchy even if not fresh.

Things like pizzas, dumplings, soups, curries, burritos and hundreds more are easily freezable. Buy large lots on sale, cook 40 meals and freeze them and enjoy cheaper, healthier food :slight_smile: youtube has countless recipes :wink:

Yea I don’t know about making my own dumpling due to the small size of my freezer, and the fact that the price of cabbage and other veggies are HIGHLY variable. Cabbages will be cheaper than water in the right time and more expensive than gold at the wrong time. Pork is always expensive (sorry I don’t do vegan dumplings, tastes terrible) and the end result is I spend more than 500nt to make a number of dumplings but felt it much easier just buying it from the traditional market, as they’re selling them at 50nt per 18/20 dumplings, which is actually a good serving size for me and 50nt per meal isn’t bad. It really made more sense to cook your own food in the US compared to Taiwan as price of groceries here is just too high vs. buying food ready made.

Haha. You just answered your own question as to why people should make their own. Buy cheap, store long term and eat as needed. Saves lots of money, and you can use the cheaper prices of in season ingredients to buy healthier options such as organic. Cabbage is a pretty heavily sprayed product! Or just save lots of money and time by efficiently making 100 meals in 4 hours rather than 1 meal in 40 mintes. Of course with frozen meals, you still like to enjoy fresh stuff here and there.

Edit. Yes it is always easier to just buy them. And yes groceries are expensive here retail. Bu whilesale they are not, hence makin in large quantities to buy both cheaper and less toxic produce. Meat as well. The time taken to make a bunch of dumplings, then freeze is surely not more than having to go out in traffic each time. Throwing them in the rice cooker while you work beats travelling around occupying your day just getting food. I make cooking days now and just burn awhole day cooking and freezing. Lasts a month plus. Depends on freezer space. A deep freeze is a wise investment. Both financially and for health.

I don’t have freezer space. And I don’t have money for a chest freezer either. I really want one though because chest freezers use very little electricity (basically almost none) and you can freeze a large quantity of food in it. Actually if you want a fridge that uses very little electricity, those top down chest type fridge/freezer is the most efficient, because cold air sinks, so when you open them they do not waste any power cooling ambient air.

I know farmers destroy perfectly good food when the prices are low. There ought to be a law against this. They should donate the stuff or something to a food bank. One thing about capitalism I hate is that because profit is the motive above all else, when prices are low they destroy products. Not to mention there’s a Chinese taboo against wasting food, like mom used to tell us that the thunder god would strike you down if you waste food…

Maybe it’s time to bring back the thunder god.

Ya, deep freezers are worth their weight in gold. We got ours for free. Join community groups, people throw them away all the time. We were going to buy a new k.e (700 to 12000) but they are all made in china. Used ones are cheap too.

Farmers not picking crops is justified becaus n ot knly do they make NO mk.ey in the crop they are wasting, normally they lose mo.ey. them go spend more money on labor to pick something that already loses them money is literally oppression. I agree, we need to find a way to stop wasting food.

Most f armers open the field to the community to pick left overs before tilling. In farming villages, very little food is wasted. I havent paid for corn in 4 years… Its mostly fruit that is wasted because people can only eat so many papaya. Many big companies purposefully wait til farmers are desperate and swoop in to buy nearly free food and make sauces, dried fruit etc. Preserving allows for massive profits. Makes sense.

Was thinking of getting a deep freeze. But not much spare space. Balcony? It is covered and has windows, but exposed to the climate / humidity. Bad idea?

Also, the wife is worried about electricity cost. Do they consume a lot?

They are far better han a fridge, probably just because you dont keep opening.hem to grab an apple or juice etc. Ours raised our bill maybe 100 or 2 per 2 months. The amount we save on food is thousands every 2 months and WAY healthier.

Outside is fine hunidity isnt an issue. a real issue though. Never put it somewhere the sun hits or where it gets super hot. I just use ours as aplace to put the rice cooker and coffee pot, easy to move when i need inside. We just got a shorty, 4 feet long.

If people want to cook more at jome, improve their diet etc. I think this is a very very good investment!

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Two questions for you.

  1. Are the sprays used Pyrethrins?

  2. Do most farmers still till here?

Where I grew up most farmers stopped tilling over 20 years ago.

They consume very little electricity due to their design. Essentially since they are a open top design, cold air always sink and therefore when you open them no warm air rush in.

This video explain it all:

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Various thing such as from chrysanthemum, tee tree, tea seed, tobcco etc. They are all available. But thye certainly arent the the only things used. The agriculture chemical shops are literally everywhere, its worth going inside and taking a look. Lots of stuff. I hope to hopefully setup proper factories more natural pesticodes and fungicides at some point. Its the dream anyway.

  1. Tilling is absolutely still used extensively here, as with many places. Our operations are no till after initial setup, but its not common for field crops that are short lived.

I prefer no till, but more and more research is showing no till isnt the fix all it was advertised as. Its obviously more complicated than that. But everyone certainly agrees soil compaction is bad.

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lol @ my froyo post getting split off from the ice cream thread, and then 90% of it becoming unrelated to froyo


Welcome to forumosa! :upside_down_face:


Sodium chlorate is a really powerful broad spectrum herbicide. It however has the side effect of making your pants kinda flammable if you spill some on it.

I agree. Its nice to have to place to openly discuss new ideas, concepts and evolve the conversation into new ideas and realms of conversation :slight_smile: We lack this far too much in todays social arenas

Not like those shitty sites that delete, ban, move or temp worthwhile thought processes :slight_smile: