(Functionally Disabled) Obese People of the World, Unite!

In a decision by the Supreme Court of Canada, functionally disabled obese people have the right to 2 seats for the price of one.

Now they should go after the restaurants; those people should be entitled to 2x portions for price of one.

Trains, planes, and automobiles all need to be redesigned for the functionally disabled obese citizen.

news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20081120/od_ … omnh4DW7oF

For the next step we are going to force little Asian people to ride in the overhead compartments.


It’s easy to mock obese people, but I can’t say forcing airlines to have bigger seats is a bad thing. Ever since I quit smoking, stopped cycling and started to eat out more it seems like they’ve been getting smaller and smaller.

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I wonder what would happen if you booked a ticket and claimed a fat-bastard seat and then they find out it’s actually the sylphlike sandman spreading his scrawny buttocks across two seats? “The obesity is centered on my head, lass – everybody tells me what a fathead I am.”

well, there is a lot to be said for this: it may perhaps force airlines to change the pitch of their seating, so they give back the 20% of seat space that they have taken away from everyone over the last 20 years, to the point where very few people will be able to claim two seats. that’d be better for all parties, especially those cruising the north american / north atlantic air routes where many customers are larger than fit in the current seats. if they give up 20% of their seats to large passengers at current seat sizes, then they would gain that back by having 20% larger seats and a higher passenger patronage and demand.

the other option, and one i see as far more equitable :wink: (cause I’m small), is paying for one’s seat according to a sliding scale determined by weighing passenger plus baggage at check in.

Initially it does seem like a completely stupid decision. If they can’t fit in one seat, that’s their problem and they should pay for the luxury of having two seats; other passengers shouldn’t have to help subsidize them. That was my initial thought.

But, then I figured if it’s really a disability I guess it should be treated the same as other disabilities and accomodations should be made for them. In the US (and probably Canada), laws require businesses to make accomodations in their stairs, elevators, bathrooms and so forth for people in wheelchairs, and to require them to permit dogs for the disabled into places that otherwise would bar them. So, if being reaaaaaaally fat is also a disability then I guess it makes sense that they should be provided equal access, not at an additional cost, notwithstanding their disability.

As for other passengers having to subsidize their tickets, I guess it’s the same in any business, where fully-abled patrons help subsidize the wheelchair ramp and elevator and special bathroom for disabled patrons.

Fat bastards - or to be more precise, heavy bastards - like myself are already getting subsidized. When it comes to flying the question of weight is really more important than space.

I weigh in at about 122kg, but it’s mostly muscle (:cool:) so I would never need two seats; still, it seems unfair if a skinny bastard weighing half that got charged for excess luggage.

Oh, wait on, this news story is from Canada. Okay, complete tossers, socialist pricks whose only self-identity comes from hating Americans.

One thing about fat passengers, if the plane goes down in the Andes they’ll come in very handy once you’ve eaten the flightcrew.

One thing I don’t get is the fashion for skinny stewardesses. It’s so impractical.

It brings a whole new meaning to “Coffee, tea or me?” :laughing:

Call me when we get our own row.

Weight is the most important aspect of loading the plane, total weight and the distribution of said weight.
I believe extra wide seats should be made available for the wider hipped (big booty) passenger. However I also advocate a total weight system whereby the passengers baggage AND the passenger should not exceed a total amount before extra charges are levied.

Is obesity a disease? Yes. Are all those who are overweight suffereing from this disease? No.
If there were some kind of disability status for the clinically overweight this would combat the solution of it being unfair for some people to pay extra for their travel.

Why should my brittle frame have to pay the same amount to travel as Hulkzilla over there who is twice my weight? Why should he only pay the same amount of money for his fuel? Honest to god, flights to Lagos are a joke. Those (Lagans) people already weigh like 300 pounds, they have half their lives secretly strapped to their behinds as they squeeze through the metal detectors, they bulge over into my seat, and pay the exact same price (probably less) as me.

Of course my view is not politically correct, but as I have never voted I think it renders that thought moot.

Obesity should be defined and people who have it given certain dispensations. Those others that gorge on pies and do don’t do any exercse should be made to pay extra for their gourmandising. That you are a trencherman is not my fault.

“trencherman” is a good word. It seems a bit sexist these days though, what about “trencherperson”?

Wholly agree. If you’re obese because you’re too fucking lazy to exercise and eat right, you should pay extra.

For those that obese due to some other medical condition, not paying extra is perfectly fair.

Yebbut, I’m faaaaat, but I am also 5’2" and very small-boned, so I don’t weigh as much as a lot of non-fat guys. Men should pay more than women as they are bigger. Pay per kilo; so tall people pay for their weight too. Get rid of the judgement; they let smelly people and boring people on planes.

And so it was that Conquistador Cfimages put the local fat population to the sword; “Let God sort the justly plumply from the unGodly porkers! Such decisions are beyond human ken.”

I was going to question that, until I realized Irishstu probably didn’t swim here.

And so it was that Conquistador Cfimages put the local fat population to the sword; “Let God sort the justly plumply from the unGodly porkers! Such decisions are beyond human ken.”[/quote]

Notice there was no mention of drinking. The raising of ones wrist is indeed very good exercise so you’ll be safe.

I’m tired of you unfairly trashing Irishstu. I had (non-penetrative) sex with him last month and he smelt fine - a pleasant musky smell mixed with the freshness of pine cones and a hint of vanilla.

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Think of all the CO2 emissions caused by fat people travelling. Fat people, in my experience emit a lot of methane too, another potent greenhouse gas. Plus there’s all the CO2 and methane emitted producing all that food. Luckily the

Luckily the Food Climate Research Network, funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and DEFRA have done a study. Where they found

[quote]are meat and dairy products the only adequate sources of these nutrients? Is their consumption essential? This is important when considering the substitutability of animal with plant foods.

Nutritionally speaking, the answer is no. A considerable body of research shows that a varied diet of plant foods is perfectly able to provide us with the full range of nutrients needed to maintain a healthy diet.236,237,238,239,240[/quote]

I love this paragraph, especially the long list of citations at the end.

What about leather

No jackets at all eh? Sounds fine to me.

Of course we’ll have to do something about all those fatties who like their cheeseburgers. As the FCRN point out


Right on, so how are we going to force the fatties to cut down. They don’t say how only that

[quote]Meat and dairy consumption: Government needs to reinvigorate its plans for developing a meat road map. The road map should have clear targets for emissions reduction (in line with the overarching 70% reduction target) and should be developed as a partnership project between government, the livestock sector, NGOs and the research community. It should be clear about what reductions it expects to achieve from changes in livestock management and what level
from changes in consumption, how it intends to achieve these reductions and what support the livestock industry should receive.[/quote]

The report was written by Tara Garnett, who is a vegetarian. She was interviewed by the Daily Mail.

dailymail.co.uk/news/article … eport.html

[quote]The report’s author, Tara Garnett, said: ‘The way the future is going, we may have to be doing things we consider outrageous or unacceptable now.’

She said campaigns to persuade people to consume less meat and dairy produce were unlikely to succeed, and regulation and personal carbon trading schemes, where goods and services are rationed, might be needed.

People will need to buy more local food, cook in bulk, avoid waste and walk tot he shops or have more home deliveries.

She added: ‘I have been a vegetarian for years and years but I have not moral objection to eating meat in small quantities.’

The typical Briton eats around 1.6kg of meat a week and 4.2 litres of milk. That is the equivalent to two chicken breasts, six sausages, four slices of ham, eight slices of bacon, three burgers, three litres of milk and 100g of cheese.

The new diet would allow one burger, two sausages, three rashers of bacon, one chicken breast, half a litre of milk and 50g of cheese.[/quote]

So what is considered obese? Will it be difficult to draw the line? Maybe us taller folks can demand more leg room. Isn’t being overweight a lifestyle choice more often than not? Actually would have been a good marketing strategy if implemented by a specific airline instead of forced by the courts.
Almas John: Where are you from?

If you have a big bootay then you get a bit bootay seat, just like lanky legs should get a lanky legs seat. Stinkers at the back near the bogs, boring people scattered intermittently and given porn novels to read. Children lashed down in cargo. :wink:

Pay per kilo is the only way to go. You get X amount of kilos for you, your bootay, your legs, and your bags. Included in this is the choice to have a larger seat. Some sort of Your arse must be
wide to ride
indicator would avoid any huffing. I suggest a cut out of Rodney Dangerfield and a pair of hands.
Anything else and you pay extra.