(Functionally Disabled) Obese People of the World, Unite!

Why don’t they just have a perfect people’s airliner. For those who are so much better than everyone else.

Or those are only for Auto industry CEOs.

White Tiger,

I was born in Otahuhu, Auckland, Land of the Long White Cloud (i.e. New Zealand). I’m the first Kiwi in the family. My parents are from the U.K.; to be more exact I’m of mostly Scottish ancestry. No, I don’t feel an unnatural desire to wear skirts.

Canada is looking pretty good to this American right now. I have a smoke out legally, universal health care and get a airline seat for the price of one. Not mention hockey teams that win, decent beer, and a whole city with decent Chinese food. :ponder:

Hmm…that’s not so bad. In fact that would make a pretty good brunch at IHOP.

In order to prevent skinny people from claiming fat seating, they should have one of those little metal frames by the gate–like they use to indicate maximum carry-on luggage dimensions–only this one would measure bohineys.

And don’t you hate it when they put you next to some fat guy whose lard kind of spills over the armrest? Makes me wish there were some sort of glass partition that could be rolled up between seats, that would completely eliminate unwanted body contact.

Seriously, why don’t we just let the airlines handle this however they want? They’re businesses, after all. Let them decide whether it’s worth their while to accommodate fat people (and how fat), or cripples, or vegetarians, or whatever. One airline might reach out to this business, another might market themselves by offering child-free (or Muslim-free) service.

The Daily Mail, one of the most highbrow and respected newspapers in the UK, publishes a report about why it’s better to be a vegetarian, written by a vegetarian. Presumably the following week there will be a report written by a meat-eater about why it’s better to be carnivorous? That would be only fair. Then maybe some more neutrally-minded person could balance the two arguments.

I’ll do my bit by adding this, which I found on The Straight Dope:
Suffice it to say that flatulence is a common complaint among and about vegans, and for that matter vegetarians generally. (For those of you who don’t know many vegetarians, they come in various flavors; vegans are the most hard-core, eschewing not only meat but animal products of any kind, including milk and eggs.) The problem is the body’s inability to fully digest the complex carbohydrates so abundant in the vegetarian diet and the consequent excessive production of gases such as hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane.

Aside from the smell, your vegetarians are personally emitting more greenhouse gases than carnivores. Eating vegetarians (mostly cows and sheep, but also people if necessary) is good for the environment. Then we can have their seats.

I support the weight allowance idea. I’m glad someone else thought of it. Why should I pay more to subsidize someone with twice my body weight?

Very good point. This is bound to get ridiculous with people waiting to get on the plane hoping that the airline decides they are fat enough for two seats.

Exactly. There’s no limits to what people will demand if fatties are getting special treatment.

This Supreme Court of Canada decision is ridiculous.

Boeing 747-400ER:

Empty weight: 184,600 kg
Max take-off weight: 412,775 kg
Capacity: 416 passengers
Max Fuel Load: 241,140 L

Kerosene density: 0.78-0.81g/cm3

There. Someone else can calculate the weight of the fuel, figure out how much capacity is left over for passengers. divide by number of seats, and so on. You can also figure out what the ratio of fuel required per kilo of cargo is. (Have to leave a margin for unused fuel, food, etc.)

Very good point. This is bound to get ridiculous with people waiting to get on the plane hoping that the airline decides they are fat enough for two seats.

Exactly. There’s no limits to what people will demand if fatties are getting special treatment.[/quote]

So true. Where does one draw the line? First the morbidly obese want two seats, next they’ll be wanting three. Or THIS GUY – who once weighed a whopping 570 kg, which he admits was due to a US diet of junk food and soft drinks, but has now slimmed down to a svelte 369 kg – surely he’ll claim entitlement to five seats. And talk about spilling over the armrest. . .

It’s a slipperly slope. Where does one draw the line?

Yup. Hey, no offense to big(ger) people, but I paid for that seat, and the airline doesn’t give me very much room. I want every centimeter of it.

They’ve already done that, and the result is high ticket prices and yet seats so tiny that my petite, barely 45-kg. wife is uncomfortable in one, and seats so tiny that if there’s a big person next to me, they spill over into my space. :s The result is that some people drive their F150 trucks a thousand miles round trip instead of flying.

[quote=“Loretta”]Boeing 747-400ER:

Empty weight: 184,600 kg
Max take-off weight: 412,775 kg
Capacity: 416 passengers
Max Fuel Load: 241,140 L

Kerosene density: 0.78-0.81g/cm3

There. Someone else can calculate the weight of the fuel, figure out how much capacity is left over for passengers. divide by number of seats, and so on. You can also figure out what the ratio of fuel required per kilo of cargo is. (Have to leave a margin for unused fuel, food, etc.)[/quote]
I don’t mind paying extra for being fat, but I won’t do math!

See! It’s a lifestyle decision. You’d rather be fat and lazy than figure things out and fit in your seat. I did approximate figures in my head while out walking the dog. :raspberry:

230 tonnes of fuel and cargo. 190 tonnes of fuel, leave 40 tonnes for people, baggage and food.

400 people, 40 tonnes, gives you an allowance of 100kg per person. That doesn’t sound right. It appears that you don’t have to be fat to be stupid.

No, the report by the vegetarian is SCIENCE and the carnivore is a DENIER. And you won’t have to balance, the government will tax the hell out meat so you won’t be able to afford it, for the good of the environment and your health. Unless of course you’re rich, as I’m guessing Ms Garnett’s friends are.

Or rather that’s what would happen if we listened to intolerant environmentalists. Actually the Labour government will pay for the report and then shove it in a drawer somewhere. People will then whine that the government is ignoring the science. At some point the Tories will get in and cut funding for this sort of thing, and a lot of useful science too.

Madam, warnings should be placed before such statements, especially prior to the afternoon tincture.
The Daily Mail is one step above the gibberings of a 4 year old child. It is the domain of the 60 year old plus Conservative who thinks more money from the Govt. budget should be spent on blue rose cultivation.

I should have the right to be seated in first class on airplanes away from jerkoffs like the lot of you. :roflmao:

So I guess when you book a ticket the ticketing agent would know you require a 2-4-1, not something they realize when you show up to check in then. At least if the airline knows beforehand how many 2-4-1s they have they won’t overbook the flight.

It’s a touchy subject. I know obese people are extremely uncomfortable on long flights, more so than regular-sized people. It’s not like they don’t know what we’re thinking.

Hmm, if this plane goes down over the Andes, I’m gonna roast me a fat boy!


I’ve often wondered if I survived a plan crash would I actually eat human flesh? I think I would after all resources are exhausted.

But don’t you think a fat person would survive longer than a skinny person based on their fat reserves? So the skinny people would be the first to die or be eaten.

That probably depends on who has a weapon and the will to use it. if the skinny guy and fat guy were isolated after the plane crash, then the fat guy would have more reserves, yes, but the key thing is water. Whoever loses and doesn’t replenish water first will die.

Skinny people are harder to hit.

There’s a lot of judgement about fat people here. As I said further up in the thread, I am fat but I take up a hell of a lot less space and weight than a muscular, toned, 6’4" rugby player type. No judgement about him, despite him making me uncomfortable on flights because he can control himself, despite his hideously elongated freak-body. I call bullshit…

Also, meat eaters fart more than veggies. I was a veggie for eight years, and a vegan for four but I’ve eaten meat for ten years so I have a basis for comparison. A sluggish colon full of rotting flesh gives off more emmissions than a healthy, colon. Not that meat eaters can’t be healthy, but they tend to eat less fibre, so their transit is less frequent, so more gas going on.