Funny Political Pictures

Yes, but can he walk and chew gum at the same time? And besides, if he were ever to become a serious candidate, the fact the he made his money in coal would probably instantly derail him.

You’ve been listening to Homer and Mups too much. Most people couldn’t care less I think. He actually has the intelligence, acumen and empathy to make the right choices towards becoming 100% clean energy. He’s the only Democratic candidate I’ve heard in years that actually knows what he wants to do, has a clear plan that’s possible to implement and can convey his plans clearly both to the scientifically-minded and to the general populace.

Maybe so, but I don’t see his whole “climate emergency!” schtick resonating with most voters in a general election. And his total lack of charisma and creepy look wouldn’t help either.


I’m a big supporter of emissions trading if properly implemented. It’s a good market solution to slowly push companies to adopt cleaner energy practices and pursue new innovations that wouldn’t be overly harmful to them economically. Not sure why you think he isn’t charismatic or looks scary though. What’s that about?

C’mon, be honest. Tell me he doesn’t look like a serial killer slash pedophile. :grin:



Looks more like a tired blobfish


I think we just found his new nickname.

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I’ve found my new political position!



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Even worse, he eats pizza with a fork and knife!

Friggin’ germaphobes!

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Oddly enough, it’s how Italians eat their pizzas.

Well, after the Italians can figure out how to make a great pizza, maybe they’ll learn how to eat one.

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