Funny Political Pictures

I’d imagine that joke would work better coming from Bloomberg.

Could be, but Bloomberg doesn’t tend to start lecturing others like a demented, oh-let-me-TELL-you-about-communism Dr. Emmett Brown when he’s all worked up. The Bern does, though.

tl;dr Sanders is more lolz.

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You leave grandpa alone. He lived thru some stuff we just don’t understand. :smirk::joy:

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Apparently he is now claiming to being arrested in South Africa trying to visit Nelson Mandela, in Soweto in 1989, which just so happens to be about a thousand km from Robben Island where Nelson Mandela actually was at the time.


From the article

Biden, 77, first told the story at a campaign event in Columbia, South Carolina on February 11, as he tried to shake off defeat in New Hampshire, and has repeated it twice more during outreach to black voters.

Prime example of dumbing down to gain Black votes. And folks fall this okey dokie. Would have been better to just say he was there with Dr King at the March on Washington.

Biden did not mention such an arrest in his 400-page memoir in 2007.

Of course he didn’t :roll_eyes:

Andrew Young was the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations from 1977 to 1979, and told the New York Times that he had accompanied Biden on several trips to South Africa during that time.
But Young was skeptical that it would even be possible for a sitting member of Congress to be arrested in South Africa back then.
‘No, I was never arrested and I don’t think he was, either,’ said Young, now 87. ‘I would not forget going to jail, but I know I did not ever go to jail in South Africa.’

LMAO at this. A very diplomatic way of saying that dog won’t hunt. :joy::joy::joy:

That’s Rowdy Roddy Piper on the left and the movie is “They Live,” btw.





Repost! (but it’s a good one)

The wages of not reading every post I guess, sorry!


Don’t spoil his victory.

His nomination means a landslide for Trump.

Notice how @homersimpsun and @mups have gone silent? Even they know it’s all over.

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Maybe, but I’ve been around long enough that the old adage “don’t pick fights with people who buy ink by the barrel” still resonates strongly in my head.

Don’t get me wrong: Trump and Twitter have done so much damage to the MSM, which richly deserves it and lots more. No matter, I still think Trump will fight up hill all the way.

I think the former has been suspended, and for whatever reason the latter only seems to come around when former is active.

Could be wrong, but I suspect they’ll be back. If I’m right about the suspension, it will likely be any day now.


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Thought they were banned.