Germans restrict freedom!

I am outraged you fascist bastards!!!



Germany cites terrorism as visa rules tighten

18 October 2004

BERLIN - The German Foreign Ministry has tightened visa regulations in reaction to this year’s Madrid train bombings and the 11 September 2001 attacks on the United States, officials confirmed on Monday.

German diplomats will in the future take a more proactive stance in considering whether people seeking visas to visit Germany are likely to abuse the terms of the visa - or carry out illegal acts, the officials said.

Dubbed the “Chrobog Regulation” - after deputy foreign minister Juergen Chrobog - the tough, new rules will be implemented in all the German embassies and consulates in the coming weeks.

“If there is any doubt that a visa applicant may fail to return to their country of origin … the visa will not be issued,” said Chrobog in a Focus news magazine interview. [/quote]

[b]continued at:[/b] … es+tighten

Germany already restricts freedom of speech and assembly on the part of right-wing supporters, on the excuse that it’s constitution requires it. Such people are routinely imprisoned for “crimes” like, hurting the feelings of their Jewish minority (often with facts).

On another front, Germany prohibits the Kurdish flag, out of concern for the tender feelings of Turkey.

What is it with you and Jews jesus? Besides the fact that they had you crucified that is :stuck_out_tongue:

I am outraged you fascist bastards!!!


Germany cites terrorism as visa rules tighten

18 October 2004

BERLIN - The German Foreign Ministry has tightened visa regulations in reaction to this year’s Madrid train bombings and the 11 September 2001 attacks on the United States, officials confirmed on Monday.

German diplomats will in the future take a more proactive stance in considering whether people seeking visas to visit Germany are likely to abuse the terms of the visa - or carry out illegal acts, the officials said.

Dubbed the “Chrobog Regulation” - after deputy foreign minister Juergen Chrobog - the tough, new rules will be implemented in all the German embassies and consulates in the coming weeks.

“If there is any doubt that a visa applicant may fail to return to their country of origin … the visa will not be issued,” said Chrobog in a Focus news magazine interview. [/quote]

This is what happens when you go fifty-odd years without giving France a good shit-kicking.

I’d let the crucifixion thing slide, let bygones be bygones. But then they went and took over the U.S. media, got our politicians to throw open the doors of immigration (notice they didn’t do this with their OWN country, once they got one), then had them send our money and military to support Israel. That’s why we’re in all these wars right now.

They also champion restrictions on freedom of speech and assembly in various countries, in order to make it illegal to point out how they operate.

[quote=“Screaming Jesus”]
They also champion restrictions on freedom of speech and assembly in various countries, in order to make it illegal to point out how they operate.[/quote]

Boo-fucking-hoo! You can order [b]The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion[/b] from Amazon for only $22.95. … 2?v=glance

"Immediately following the attack (on the USS Liberty) I was threatened with court-martial if I discussed the incident with the press or anyone else. One of the warnings was also not to discuss the attack even with my immediate family or friends. In my case these warnings were repeated upon my transfer from each duty station I left along with the standard security clearance de-briefing. I was also periodically taken aside and reminded of the original threat even when not being transferred. Though never told the reason for these one on one “advisory” sessions, I personnaly believe they were the result of some action that raised the possibility of further publicity that our government wanted to surpress.

I want no personal recognition, but I will not rest until the 34 brave men that sacrificed their lives are finally given the long overdue honor they so justly deserve. Hopefully with the help of all concerned this long denied justice will be forthcoming in the not so distant future."

Ken Ecker, crewman, USS Liberty

Interesting that 34 people die and spook is outraged. I still am under the impression that the incident was regarded as an accident no? any other proof? But then, what is that compared with the 3,000 that died in the 911 attacks. All that Saudi oil. All those rich Saudis buying up property and companies in the US like a controlling stake in CNN and Prince Bandar and his tight relations with the Bush family are nothing but boy oh boy better mention the Jews at each and every occasion which somehow control the Bush administration even though they vote 74% for Democrats? Does this make sense to anyone else?

A better question is why doesn’t it bother you?

Your “impression” is incorrect and illustrates the problem. If you want the facts, ask any surviving crewman of the Liberty.


Feel free to send me the details but to my knowledge it was an accident therefore I do not feel “outraged.” Do you think that the two planes commandeered by the Saudi and Egyptian terrorists that hit the World Trade Center, killing four of my friends was an “accident?” or perhaps, the Bali blast that killed one of my friends and three acquaintances was another “mistake” or “unintended action.” What?

So from my perspective sorry. I don’t see it that way at all. But feel free to send me some details regarding this Liberty incident.

I know that you are also very concerned about the Pollard case and again I really have to ask you why? Always the Jews and Israelis with you. They control everything you know, which is a bit hard to swallow when you consider that Jews tend to vote Democrat by margins of around 75%, they voted for Clinton and did vote in high number for Gore, yet Clinton had Arafat in the White House so many times that he was the leader who visited most during Clinton’s presidency. Then, we have the Bush clan with their close connections to the Saudis and OIL and we have the most “pro-Israeli” policy ever? Why do you suppose that is? Is it because they are Jews or Israelis or is it because they are a democracy and therefore part of the solution for the region and not just another corrupt kleptocracy, a nation that embodies the same principles that govern ours?

Some accident. Israel is lucky to have such friends as you.

To me, Israel is just a foreign country like any other. The only country I have any allegiances to is the US and I’m merely trying to save it from the fate George Washington thought necessary to warn us about in his farewell address to the nation.

Yes, yes, yes, Spook:

We get the farewell address thing but now I believe the year is what 2004? 2005? 2006? Help me here. Let’s freeze things as they were in 1796 shall we?

Okay fine, but is the US foreign policy being shanghaied by Jewish or Israeli interests? I don’t see it. Was Iraq a problem or not? Was taking it out only of benefit to Israel? Or more so for Saudi Arabia and Kuwait and hell even Iran?

Finally, where is your link to the Liberty incident? Show me the proof that this was not an accident. I AM interested.

It’s going to be amusing watching you in action now.

You should ask yourself a simple question: why are most Americans in the dark about this incident?

Certainly not–Israel is the most successful example of a corrupt kleptocracy in the entire Middle East. How much U.S. aid did their co-ethnics in our government send them this year?


Sorry still unconvinced. The only reputable news source listed was the San Diego newspaper and both articles are what I would put under the title of “commentary” rather than objective journalism.

So while I am open to more information about this, please send me something from a reputable sources to at least provide some basic information. Linking me to a site that prominently features its first link to Lies about our “Self-hating” Americans won’t exactly buttress the cause.


Why is the money that the “jews” send to their “brethren” in Israel any worse than what Irish sent to their “cohorts” in Ireland. After all, you would be hard pressed to find Jewish terrorists but you would have no trouble finding plenty of Irish ones.

How much money to Mexicans, Central Americans, Filipinos, Vietnamese, Chinese, etc send their nations? What’s the difference?

Just confused as to why the “jews” should be singled out for special attention here. Actually, I realize that “they” control everything so I am just trying to “curry” favor with “them” since I know that “they” are monitoring this site just like “they” monitor everything don’t you know so don’t let on will you that this is really just an effort to fool “them.” Much obliged. I want my share of the take.

Self-Loathing American


You do realize of course that you are in a bit of a dilemma. After all, John Kerry’s grandfather was Jewish. Do you really want one of them to move into the White House. I strongly urge you to fight back against the Jewish scourge by voting for Bush. (This is said in complete sarcasm for the humor-impaired).

Herr Fred,

A truly ‘interesting’ group these folks.
Seen quite a few of these over the years. Strange group. They seem to share a collective guilt. Unable to see anything beyond this. Not quite sure the reasoning behind this. America & Americans have made no claim to perfection, but it seems to offer the most hope to the largest number of people.
Perhaps its an over-developed ego on the SLA’s part.(yes, they even have their own acronym). Taking it all a bit too personal. Not able to counter the rebuttals of anti-Americans they encounter. Maybe over-identification or approval seeking needs on their part. Not sure.
Seek forgiveness, make peace, get over yourself…whatever works.
Usually are not happy drinkers either…maudlin and all that.

Oh well…life does go on.

The “Jewish scourge” you so clumsily demagogue exists only in your fevered mind and the fevered minds of narrow-minded extremists.

In my mind there are no “Jews”, “Christians”, or “Muslims.” There are only people who think they are somehow fundamentally differentiated as Jews, Christians, or Muslims and misbehave accordingly.

There are though more than enough loquacious fools in the world, generally identifiable by the confusion and trouble they sow and the noisy flocks they keep.

[quote][quote]I strongly urge you to fight back against the Jewish scourge by voting for Bush. (This is said in complete sarcasm for the humor-impaired).[/quote] – fred smith

The “Jewish scourge” you so clumsily demagogue exists only in your fevered mind and the fevered minds of narrow-minded extremists. – spook[/quote]

Well done, spook. Good to see someone taking that vile anti-Semite fred_smith to task! His clumsy demagoguery is clearly the sign of a black and corrupt heart.

By the way… do you have any idea what he is babbling about with this “complete sarcasm” concept he mentions at the end of his post? He probably just made up the word. I know it’s not a term with which I am familiar at any rate.


Fred is a demagogue but not an anti-Semite. He uses accusations of anti-Semitism for purposes of character assassination in lieu of facts and rational arguments.