Germany Legalises Cannabis

Germany is scheduled to vote on cannabis legalization this Friday.


I hope that doesn’t happen.

You don’t have to smoke it or associate with anyone that does.


I’m looking forward for tea time to include weed tea…

It doesn’t work that way at all. Once weed becomes legal it becomes ubiquitous and it would smell like weed in every corner. Gross.

Weed has been legal in several countries for years now and that has not been the case.


The legalization has been passed in Germany. From 1. April one can carry up to 25g Cannabis for own use.
One can grow up to three plants. Can join non-commercial growing community and receive up to 50g per month.


Except DUI deaths are up in Colorado.

Those are not small quantities. 1 plant in the right conditions is like a Christmas tree!

There are places where it smells from random people lighting up in cities/towns of the U.S. Even drivers lighting up.
So, not wholly true statement.
Even my kids can smell it and know what it is. Happens quite often when back in the U.S.


Alcohol has been the most devastating drug in human history. Destroys families and lives. The majority of violence and domestic violence involves alcohol. I don’t see you complain about this.


The difference for me is my kids don’t get alcohol in their system when they walk past someone drinking it…cannabis smoking in public areas does go into their lungs.


Off topic.

I agree that alcohol is bad but we are too far past it. There is no way the whole world can go teetotal. Just because alcohol is bad doesn’t mean weed should be legalised.

I believe it’s not allowed in public in Germany. It isn’t in Amsterdam on the streets. Only on private property. I’d rather be around cannabis smoke than tobacco smoke tbh.

This is the laws for it in Germany.

Cannabis consumption is also to be banned near schools, kindergartens, public playgrounds, and sports facilities, and on pedestrian zones in city centers between 7 am and 8 pm.

Hopefully they will open up to tourists who also want to enjoy like coffee shops in Amsterdam.

It’s funny how people are worried about the smell of it. Amsterdams biggest problem is drunk tourist and not pot heads and they have had several campaigns to stop drunk in public behaviors. They haven’t had issues with cannabis.


I’m talking about cities in legal states (of U.S.), where you can smell it outside on any given day walking around.
Driving while stoned is naturally on the increase in the U.S.

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DUI deaths remain low in countries where car centric design is not a thing.

In some places, is it ubiquitous? No. I despise the smell of tobacco and I walk away from those that smoke it.

Straight up illegal.