Getting ready for possible level 3 (2022 edition)

when your favorite painkiller is illegal and pretty much impossible to get prescribed :confused:

Ibuprofen - buy it in pharmacies OTC. Docs in Taiwan somehow prefer handing out acetaminophen (panadol).

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this is news to me. i thought it was highly scheduled.

i’ve heard this from people too. even after intensive surgery the doctor won’t prescribe anything higher than acetaminophen 800. i get the abundance of caution where necessary, but it’s bananas to me that it’s easier to get illicit street drugs than a decent painkiller in this country.

I feel you man…


wish that were me in lockdown 2.0 no lie.


I buy bags of ibuprofen. It’s cheaper out of the bottle.

Time to legalise weed.

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i was in the states recently so i bought big bottles of ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and most importantly, naproxen sodium (aleve) because that last one especially is wicked expensive here and it’s my favorite NSAID.

Get in a few Xanax and Zoloft in case things get tense.

I’ve got a stock of anti convulsants I was given to treat dental neuralgia. Really handy to take the edge off.

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I think it was before but not now.

I’ve got a stash of Tramadol that I’ve been keeping for a rainy day.

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I got six 1972 quaaludes I bought on EBay.


Just hope that no officials start eyeing off your pets - seems that the HK Management have decided that they like Hamsters, though they say something far worse - euthanasia.

God, don’t be so dramatic. No one is getting an air ambulance back to their “home” country. :roll_eyes:


Air ambulance for what :grin:, to be killed by our incompetent ‘home’ country health systems ?

Let me check with my VIP package here…Nope not in the list. I can’t even send a letter to my home country by post. :joy:


New Zealand wouldn’t even let my medivac in.


In my nightmares.

But thankfully this is a younger, healthier batch. Hope they can survive such an ordeal.

However, they stress out easily. Heck, I was reading WFH stresses pets because it upsets their schedule. Sigh.

Now finding a simple aspirin is really Mission Impossible.

I like Shanghai pharmacy and I am told Tianmu pharmacy is also well stocked.

The Taiwanese do when they get sick abroad. My locally acquired insurance included that too, in case of emergency. Meaning if you get sick/hurt abroad, they can arrange bringing you home to Taiwan.

From where? What does this mean? You buy it in ziplock bags?