Getting the 2nd shot in Taiwan for COVID-19 vaccines

For being a technological advance country, I really don’t understand why they don’t fix the process. It doesn’t seem like a particularly hard fix. They only need to make a few things to make the process a lot smoother.

The system will crash if everyone just keeps clicking.

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No they just had to keep the same sites as before, now people need to travel all over the city to get to one site! Well, it will get the MRT system and bus companies some cash.

Kind of surprising that there are still problems with the system in ROUND 12!!!

Who the F is in charge of that system?

As I mentioned, they have changed the system to streamline the process and reduce the chance for errors (example: mistakenly giving someone the wrong vaccine).


Of the second shot.

. . . .which is the biggest rollout to date, in case you were not aware.

Admittedly, I was not part of this round, and I just got my first shot in Round 11—the process was smooth as ice.


Ice is smooth?

Not much streamlining done, and if they are scared (of course, after all it’s Taiwan, chabudou) it’s pointless. How does the rest of the world deal with this? Setting up lots of vaccination sites and even letting doctors and pharmacies jab people, get vaccines on the road in buses to have people jabbed close to home.

I wouldn’t sweat it. It’s not like the virus is amongst us. They’ll get your shot to you in good time.

(Of course as a fully vaxxed bear it’s easy for me to say that)

You’re in Xinbei, right?

I don’t know if they have followed the Taipei City model, or followed their own path.


It’s not about me, I already got my shot. For me it was easier as it was the local NTC health clinic. But you had lot’s of places to choose from although they were filled up quick. In Taipei only one choice.

If they are scared about mishandling vaccines it’s a sign of neglecting instruction. It’s like putting an Ikea piece together, you need a manual.

I had the laptop and the desktop both fired up at 10 o’clock on the dot. Took me about 10 mins.

All booked in now, thankfully!

On the downside, I have to keep reminding myself that, no… I do not have Glastonbury tickets.

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Should not be like that. It’s just insane. Wake up the team to get grandpa a booking, all computers, phones, laptops and pads on standby.


I went one better than @Belgian_Pie . Looking at the TV news at the weekend and they have the usual camera shot panning over the crowd at the EXPO site in Taipei sitting in line waiting for, or recovering from, their shots. And it seems that they sometimes use old footage to show the crowds as this one had a foreigner amongst them … ME !!!


Lazy media in Taiwan. Not exactly a model of professional or ethical journalism! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Just one. My wife got a tip from a colleague. Honestly I thought my wife had signed me up for 1922 while I was at work and didn’t even know we were getting a leftover until I was at the clinic. Just bring your vaccination card and ask. Worst they can do is say no.

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It’s not just that. If you wait too long, the effectiveness will diminish so much that you’ll probably need a third shot. You’d have to miss your second shot by a few months though.

The small clinic next to my job gave me and my partner AZ, both shots in Taipei, both walk-ins without appointment.


In the current round, or some time ago?
