Getting the 2nd shot in Taiwan for COVID-19 vaccines

The cake means it’s one’s anniversary date on Forumosa, right?

Nope, its my Birthday - but I didn’t know it was being shown to everyone.

Mind you, I haven’t seen it against others, so it must be new.


Happy birthday! :cake:


So all the spots are full. Now what? Wait to until phase two of round 12? So screwed up.

Extend your range. Don’t give up!

You could also call 1922 to ask them to find you a spot. They have been very helpful to some people I know.


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Did that and got in. Not close but I just want to get this done. Thanks for the advice. Appointment next week for my wife.

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They are really royally screwing up this one, how can someone that needs their second shot be not able to make a booking due to two locations (all they have for AZ now) being totally full, two hours after booking started. They only give one option Zongshan area.

Is it so difficult to have people come to the same site and same time as their first shot?


All full for Taipei/NTP. What is the point in opening it up for so many people at once if they don’t have the places?

What do i do now? Will more slots become available?

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For Taipei City. Maybe the server broke down under the load.

i just went on all the locations for Taipei and New Taipei and it says they are all full.

eh? more open up now.

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Try going to some neighborhood clinics and see if you can get a leftover dose. It worked for me and a couple other people here.

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It’s not difficult to know the people you jabbed at the first shot and reserve the same for the second and use the same places. Shame on them!

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There’s a phase 2 of round 12. Yes, that’s right. I’m not making this up. I imagine there will be more slots available but who really knows. My wife was having trouble so I told her to give me 5 minutes on my desktop at work. I did find a place but it’s around 20 minutes away. She’s not happy so she’s going to call 1922 to see if something closer is available.

The government knows the numbers involved. They are very clear about how many qualify and how many slots are open. This is a shitty job on their part. I don’t know what other conclusion can be drawn.

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some places flash up that they have space but by time you click on it, it is gone

Please remember people that Taipei City set up a one vaccine type only system—Flower Expo site for AZ, smaller clinics for Moderna, and the bigger hospitals for BNT.

If this has changed, please let us know!


i wish they had opened up mixing. then i could have had all the AZ to myself. Pain in the arse.

Im already 12 weeks past my first dose. My uncle had his at 15 weeks. I wonder how long i can push it and still get my stamp of approval.


Did you just go from clinic to clinic or did you just goto a particular one? How many times did you have to try before you were successful in getting the leftover dose? Also how close to closing time before I should attempt to go and ask? How did you start the conversation? Did you just say you are due for your 2nd dose and was wondering if they have leftover dose?

It’s kind of insane, you need to keep clicking on the time and date or first site, be fast enough to click on confirm or it’s already gone. You basically have no choice and can’t fit it in to a schedule. If 300000 people do that of course the system gets overloaded. Oh, and you need to spend an hour or so trying to get in. :scream: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


So…are all the slots gone or are they slowing it down so the system doesnt crash? If i come back tonight, maybe it will have calmed down?