
I just need to clarify on which Gender , Sir?

Have you ever dated a latina lol. They shave their mustaches too.

Gender is on a spectrum. However, when I go down on a lady I don’t want to see a plucked chicken.

You could always grow a Beard …hey presto .Eliminating the need for Gillette products also

What is a “latina lol”? should I date one too? or it’s one of these new confusing gender things?

It will be a chilly day in the underworld when I grow a beard.


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I think that’s a little too much bush…

i’m reminded of this album cover

Woke marketing is clearly working. I suppose most people don’t think when they buy stuff, so just getting the word Gillette in their brains is all that’s needed.

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Gallagher had a band?

Brave & stunning

P&G reported a net loss of about $5.24 billion, or $2.12 per share, for the quarter ended June 30, due to an $8 billion non-cash writedown of Gillette.

P&G said the writedown was due primarily to foreign exchange fluctuations, increased competition over the past three years, and a shrinking market for blades and razors as consumers in developed markets shave less frequently

Or… maybe because your commercials suck


yea theres all types of privilege or reasons people will treat others differently.
being good looking and having big tits is certainly a privilege or instagram is lying to me…

The razors weren’t all that great either. (note the use of the past tense :grin:)

And decided to market towards trans men that don’t even really need a razor?

How’s the saying…get woke…?

The marketing experts in Gillette “expect brands to do more than just selling products”, so they took the brave decision to tell their customers to stop being such awful people.

It looks like they’ve successfully managed to stop selling so many products. It’s revealing how they are explaining this as a consequence of an overall shrinking razor market over the past 3 years - when their share of the US market has fallen from 53% to 47.3% over the past year. Yes, the overall market is shrinking but they’ve also somehow managed to reduce their share of it by over 10%. What could have caused that?

I get the feeling some senior Gillette executives may be sweating at the moment.

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