Girl I'm Dating Obsessed with Wealth?

Sorry forgot to reply to your other comment. The date went decently well, we shared some laughs but it wasn’t the best I had either. Language barrier is mainly the biggest problem. She doesn’t speak the best English; I’m Bilingual but my Mandarin isn’t the best. There was some decent chemistry for a first date for sure, and some common interests. Couldn’t charm her at 100% effort though because I literally was limited to 40% of my natural verbal ability when speaking Chinese.


Thanks for the feedback guys, just wanted to consult the brotherhood before making life-changing decisions :joy:

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Life changing such as a second date? :slight_smile:


If one of your goals in Taiwan is to improve your Mandarin, and she’s patient enough to deal with it, that’s 2 green flags :grinning:


U r saying a pretty sexy girl is spoiled by money in Taiwan? How not surprising
Run forest run


I would not think about that too much. Many people feel the need to present a perfect life on social media. Fake things to get some likes and get validated by the crowd.

When people grow up they ignore that theater on social media and don’t care what others might think. Some completely delete their accounts there.

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Don’t go to a restaurant next time.
Do an activity and stay with her no longer than 1.5 hours.


Listen to this guy. Don’t compete with money. There is always a dude with bigger wallet.

Take out somewhere out, for fun. Take her swimming out in nature, carry her around jungle. Be cool and she will never forget you. A lot of guys try compensate being cool with spending more money. It doesn’t work.

Once Taiwanese girl said to me guys always pay me dinner, Taiwanese guys work very hard. I said to her do I look like Taiwanese ? I pay my girlfriend but still searching for her. Its a competion girl, you aren’t afriad of competition, are you ? Why I have feeling you are jealous type?

Don’t show insecurity to a girl. Don’t let her dominant you. Girls have no respect for a guy without character

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She’s fronting for someone for sure.

Inform the pricey restaurant that some hot girl stole one of their napkins and is passing off mid tier fare as their own on IG.

When I lived in Singapore in my early 20s, I had a fancy condo with Roman columns, pool, BBQ pit etc. I had a platinum card, good job, etc. It made getting dates so easy. But I prefer Bohemian and non-materialist chicks. After the initial sex, you’re stuck with a dumb but aesthetically pleasing shell that will squeeze your assets. No thanks.


And you live in France now? I envy you a bit. I would love to live in France, having 2 hours lunch break is my thing.

Part of my family lives there full time. I worked there for three years and part of my family never chose to leave. I work in the UK.

France–Not a better place in the world to live…less great to work :laughing:

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When I saw this thread title, I thought: @jimbob132 !

I admit I was a bit disappointed as I read through it and realized I was wrong.



this is intriguing and I’d love a followup. Also, maybe need to inspect the IG as well for research purposes.

go on a few more dates, OP. Then reassess with the brotherhood on Forumosa.


You 2 sat down at a table in a restaurant, order drinks/food and wait. The food arrives, she clicks a photo of food, chopstix & napkin and then, I assume, places said napkin on her lap.
When could she have switched napkins without you seeing? Had you previously gotten up to use the toilet?
As for details, did you take her to Tao Ban Wu and she switched in a Wang Ping Steakhouse napkin?

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To truly test her love, you can suggest going out to Wo Jia Niu Pai!



I’m looking for a rich girl obsessed with death.

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Shibasan: Tell her you think her materialistic inclinations reveal petite bourgeoisie crass materialism one generation removed from the sewer and that you prefer lewd bohemian nudism. Then ask her to make you an omelet naked and barefoot.

It could go very well or you could get a slap in the face! :laughing:


No offence but it sounds like you haven’t learned too much in your years.

Those type of girls are brain dead, they are no fun and they are not won over with great personalities. Only by meeting their requirements.

My gf has a friend like that. She is demented imo, didn’t come from money either, this is just the expectation she has set for herself.


I probably wouldn’t take a girl for a walk on the first date (unless that’s her idea/request), and I would expect to pay on the first date (and more, depending on her income)

Not sure what @cluckin_bell means by “a bit of money”