Give me some good diversification ideas for stocks or other asset classes

This is super broadly and can not apply it, without understanding markets in deep.

exp : is good time to buy small cap now, but a lot of small cap has poor factors filters + financial are big part of small cap ETFs. Market has huge put options bets against regional banks - which are small cap value.
Similar goes to small cap tech. A lot of them are value trap companies

Sure… but those were great times to buy just about anything, because everything fell through the floor.

Looks like PFE was pretty regularly above 4% precovid, with sluggish appreciation. ie your classic boring but steady, dividend retirement stock that provides income, but not necessarily great capital appreciation. Not sure that jumps out as a screaming deal, but YMMV depending on tolerance for risk and desire for capital appreciation.

Pfizer has the same market cap like it had 25 years ago. Holding Pfizer it’s a bit better than hold 30 years treasury.
You gotta find something better

That newsletter is for the initial bumps. It’s not a long term play.

Then why the focus on buying when yield is good (and the mention of returns over a decade)?

Uhm because we are after the initial run up.

Is there some sort of expectation that would trigger a runup? If so, based on what / in what timeframe? The two years posted did have big runups following, but they was also broad market recoveries following big drops. I’m having a tough time understand this as a buy signal, and I would like to.

I think you’d have to broader the picture. PFE has a bunch of stuff happening at once: drugs coming off protected status, covid vax drop off, however they just bought a cancer company. So it’s betting time, I’d say. Owens seems to be saying it’s a wait and see, it looks too good to pass up.

That and personally, we own a bit of PFE. A bit more seems reasonable in a nervous market. :idunno:

COIN is up in premarket, which I know means little, but I think with the bank shakes and return to printing money, it’ll go up. I bought 1000 bucks worth. I’m down 85% on my initial buy from the IPO. Roll them bones!

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My COIN is still down 20%, let’s see how that changes. Bought some Amazon for long-term investment. They will grow over time for sure.

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Unless Crypto is absolutely slaughtered In the US by being banned , which I don’t think will ever happen, COIN will do well. Just a matter of time.

There aren’t many Crypto Fiat gateways, I think COIN is one of the main ones. And they manage a lot of institutional crypto too I believe.

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I was taking about COIN just now in class to a Teacher and some kid looks up at me and says he owns BTC in coin base. Lol god bless the young!

So COIN ends the day up 18+% and I am now only down 47%. lol Let the liquidity flow !

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COIN is up again, as is BTC. Noice.

We call this jinxing where I’m from

Does anybody trade Shanghai / Shenzhen securities from HKEX ? HKEX has so called “northbound” securities that you can trade on HKEX that correspond to securities listed in Shanghai / Shenzhen. I am thinking to get into that for diversification reasons and the sheer potential the China economy has.

So, my newsletter guy is all over this.

TBT will rise on the uncertainty, and we will sell when the news cycle turns positive.

As for banks, his rec is BBDC, as banks with tighten lending and alternative lending companies will pick up a shine.

PFE is popping. Obesity drug success.

up 5.3% yabuddy

COIN: up 7.5%

TBT still up on debt ceiling fears. wutwut.