Going back to Taiwan during Covid with my husband

My experience has been the people working in TECRO don’t always know what they’re doing, but they’re still your best bet.


Very true. I got conflicting information from different branch offices.


Yes, a lot of people have tried to apply for ARC from the US before.

Good luck!

Indeed the actual items were very small as if an oasis on the plate that is the desert, there was a bit here and another there with an expanse between

The bill however seemed to indicate there was oil to be had in this desert they sold you.

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Things are tough in Germany too

They want to go back to Taiwan too

Looking forward to the good times again
And doing this highway in its entirety

But the reality is that the South Africa. Variant plus six others are going through the USA
And re infection is happening with the South African variant

And the UK strain is more deadly

12 pct of the USA has been inoculated

All according to the latest news

We all need the vaccine but I’m scared of the side effects

Over 4000 people with vaccine appointment in Santa Clara didn’t show up ! That’s not a good sign