Good Hospitals For Kidney Stone Treatment

Hey there,

I have a 5mm stone. It was 3.8mm 10 months ago when first found. It has not moved in to the ureter tube and there is zero pain at the moment but I would love to hear from someone who has had to get Lithotripsy once the pain starts. Which hospital did you go to and how was the care there? Thanks in advance.


Sorry, no help for your exact question on established stones. But i have had similar issues with kidney Crystals and issues related, but not so big like yours. I cannot comment on the stone already formed at that size. probably already drilled into your head, but the diet change is night and day. just changing a few food items these 2 months changed my uric acid count from 9 to 4.6. I suppose you already know this. but in the off chance we take it mildly, a diet change is super useful!!! me cutting out certain veg, which I eat in copious amounts, (I am vegetarian) and beer was all I did and it was almost cut in half.

But the kidney specialists I have visited were quite useless, even accepting.other prescription known for issues. If it’s a real.issue, I strongly suggest a pay doctor, not the unknown risk of NHI doctors. Not to say the pay ones are always great, in my.experience less that 20% were acceptable… But that is 18% better than the “free” doctors. Medical care isnt cheap in Taiwan if we go uninsured, but it may be worth it sometimes. Unfortunately I dont have any success or recommendations as per kidney docs. Hopefully someone has had a good one and can share their info.

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I don’t have any experience about this , however if you want to know a second opinion then you can visit Taipei Medical University-Shuang Ho Hospital .

I usually go there for Health checks , Ophthalmology, Dermatology
Service is good and you can make online appointment

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Should drink lots of water, no?
What food/liquids to stay away from?

My experience: had a large stone, MacKay Hospital couldn’t / wouldn’t touch it, and referred me to Keelung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. Apparently they are ‘famous’ for dealing with difficult cases. Was it good? Don’t know about that. Felt like an old hospital and struggled with the language, but they got the job done. So, there’s that. I have no idea which doctor, though… Good luck

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Yup, that’s the main thing. sweating more and drinking more (clean) is ideal.

Take home point, question everything the doc says. it isnt that they arent educated, it is more often that they dont care or dont listen. like with a lawyer, go in educated and questions loaded and their responses will be more useful than the copy paste “eat better, drink more water, sleep better, dont smoke/drink/eat crap and etc”.

a half cm stone is fairly obvious, so go in loaded with how to disintegrate or remove the stone. probably no amount of water will help that stone, but different chemicals, acids etc might. these are things one should seriously look into and go to the doctor with demands if answers and refusals of “next time”. pay doctors tend to not play such games as they are being paid by you, so they tend to waste less time. but still requires, perhaps more, preparation and questions pre loaded :slight_smile:

there are also numerous different crystal species, blood tests are an easy way to guesstimate what type that crystal may be. taiwan always assumes got and uric acid, demand accurate testing, not rough assumptions.


Interestingly, I have had nothing but troubles with Mackay hospitals. down south. they refused ligament treatment because they insisted it was got when it was clearly torn. almost half a year of my life gone (bed ridden). still considering sueing the fucks. always push them, they can often be wrong.

:frowning: was told to avoid drinking coffee and come back to the hospital when the pain becomes unbearable after a day or two of trying to pass it. They said they will do Lithotripsy in that event. Fun times ahead :frowning:

Do you know what type of stone it is?

I had a small stone around 9 years ago. One time I had to go to ER (NTU) where they told me its size. Already knew there was one there two years before.
I was given a medication (those with large prostates usually take it, I seem to recall) that relaxes the tubes down there to help it pass. A week or two later, it passed. Once on that medication, I never really had much pain. I did feel it come out though.

How do you know if you have kidney stones? What’s the symptoms, if not pain?

I heard via a very dubious source that cola-based carbonated drinks can increase likelihood of stones forming, anyone heard similar from a doctor or experience?

Last August I had kidney stone. I was having the urge to urine but nothing came out. The stone was in the urither (SP?) I go to Tai An Hosptal in Taipei (Adventist Hospital) First went to the emergency room and he gave me a shot to relieve the pain and drink lots of water so I could start urinating. Went back to the doctor. He tried blasting it out and did not work. Finally he did it through surgery. Since then drinking lots of water everyday. He did not say to avoid certain foods completely. Just said cut back on coffee, citrus fruits, etc. Tai An hospital has been good for me.

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I had had an ultrasound for the stomach and they routinely checked the kidneys. No symptoms beforehand and they appeared about 2 years later.

Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital seems to be pretty well known for treating kidney stone.

Want a photo? (mods,are photos allowed?)

Photo of what, exactly?

possible ways to see if you have a kidney stone. nothing naughty.

Damn, I thought I was going to have a spicy Tuesday!

Sure, go for it, spoiler tag it if necessary.

not sure what a spoiler tag is here. but will wait for a modern to give the clear cause it shows blood.

basically a tissue with bloody pee and Crystal’s. ultrasounds can detect them as well. pee pain can be one, but doc said often it is just an infection.

I think generally the rule.ofthumb is eat less garbage high sodium/high certain substances ,drink more water to.flush it out and ideally sweat more. I sweat like nothing else in Taiwan and drink many liters of water a day. it seems my high “salt” intake (which was intentional due to my high sweat load while working) is probably to black. I cut my uric acid level (by blood test) to less than half, cut out certain purine heavy foods and lowered my.sodium a lot.

my issue also came directly after sever pain from an injury and the doc gave me .Deflam-K which comes with warnings. I became.bed ridden, and thus cut out eating mostly to avoid needing to shit…for all the assumptive reasons. that fullday took the meds without food and that night I was pissing droplets or red and crystals. they hurt. that was my time to check the doc haha. but I noticed Crystal’s before the pain as well. I suspect severe dehydration was the cause with possibly that medication. regardless, intake less things that cause stones, output more water.

i think it is really worth while.check what type of stone it is. various minerals cause stones, and doctors here seem pretty hardcore in assumptions with gout… :frowning:

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I just found out that I have a Kidney stone 6mm. Seems like NTU and Chang Gung Memorial have been mentioned by folk as good hospitals for treatment. Is it possible to have an operation to take it out rather than have to pee it out? Has anyone gone down this route? Thanks