Guitars available for pre order

Can I know how much would this cost? And any comments on the parts (i. e. bridge)? How long would it take to finish?

The acoustic guitar pictured is going to sell for 15,000. I have one available. The other one is spoken for.

For electric guitars you buy the parts and I will charge based on services such as setup, finishing, fret work, assembly, etc.

You really need to buy quality parts for this, but I leave the choices to you. Cheap electric guitar hardware, especially tremolo units, is shit, goes out of tune, and adversely affects the sound.

Turnaround will depend on the work required. Assembly and setup can be done in a few days, fret work require a week, and finishing a month.

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This is a much better picture, with that artistic neo cubism retro minimalist avant garde paint in the background.

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I agree man, tho for the meantime I don’t have the money yet to buy quality guitars. :joy: Maybe in a couple more years.

Thanks for the detailed answer tho! I hope your business goes well. Rock n roll

EDIT: I’m eyeing something around NT15000 at the moment and I already found a custom guitar maker near where I live. Yeah I prefer indie/locally made stuff (i. e. clothing) because I think it’s a way to support people around you.

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in case you want to branch out


@Taiwan_Luthiers maybe you can try to find special woods that would make for special and more expensive guitars:

Not saying that you can find something like this here, but who knows.

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Good post.
@Taiwan_Luthiers Sky is the limit!.. or beyond.

Picture looks the same, but it’s not. All finish coats have been applied and I will give it a week to finish gassing out. After that I’m ready for final assembly and setup.


Attaching neck.

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Spruce top?

Yea, they’re pretty uniformly used for guitar tops. Cedar top exists but mostly used in classical guitars.

I play on both. Very different sound qualities.

Your build is looking nice so far.

Bridge attached, almost finished


Google Photos

Guitar finished


A post was merged into an existing topic: Guitar repair and shop services

That’s the thread for suggestions, criticism, etc.

Last week Lea and her husband came over to visit my shop. We had some cordial conversations however I do not know what will come of this.

In any case I’m closing up shop and will be posting stuff for sale over the coming weeks.

Closing shop permanently?

Barring some miracle, for now yes.

I don’t think I’m needed in Taiwan and I’m looking to see if my talent is needed elsewhere.

Good Luck, and wishing you inspiration in searching


Very sorry to hear this. Best of luck, and keep us updated.