Half of Taiwan's cram school teachers may lose their jobs | Taiwan News |

As many schools as there are bosses, you know? Even small schools can make surprisingly good money…but it doesn’t last forever.

If it’s a new idea and not simply a mirror of what is already offered, then…maybe. If it has anything to do remote instruction, I’d give it a go. There’s going to be blood in the water soon I’d say. Especially in the smaller, nonchain schools.

A few have died.


And a few have died with their parents at home.

MOre than a few. Perhaps extended families should be a law too.

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It’s new for Taiwan, I’m sure, but not remote instruction. That’s not new. There’s room for that now, but one would be swimming upstream against ABCTutor and the others. Smaller nonchain schools require a good location. Unless I’m missing a big factor, parents won’t care if they’re paying a school nearby or far away if their kid is at home.

Well, my take was that smaller schools caught with their pants down need to get their kids remoted up asap. If someone is fishing for students for a new program, OK, yeah. That’s going to be competitive as hell.

From a parent’s POV, what would be the advantage of staying with a local school over a larger and more experienced one? Cost? Hope of pick-up and babysitting services (ie, normal classes) returning?

Most people will go with what they know. IMHO, now is the time for small schools to double down on keeping their students. Also, many small schools start with a great teacher or two who made big schools a butt load of money. Small doesn’t always mean out of touch. :idunno:

Taiwan they need a baby sitting service, so there will always be a market for these cram schools.

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Depends on what you mean by out of touch. How many schools have a marketing plan that goes beyond answering questions on FB/Line? Many of the small ones only do that and use the old method of handouts in front of the school. Only the big companies, schools or otherwise, do effective marketing.

Buxiban reform in China?

paywall. cliff notes?

Paywall where, on Reuters?

I’m curious as to why you capitalize University. Are you Important?

Some might argue that “Universities” are every bit as much babysitting operations as cram schools at this point.

Government IT here is terrible, MOE tried to go it alone with their own online teaching but the system fell over almost immediately.

That is why they went to Google.

My new business plan! I’m moving to Taiwan to open a geriatric dance school. :joy::laughing:


Probably habit from typing out the school’s name constantly.

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My mom’s in one in the US. She loves it.

In a tea house?


It’s simply autocorrect resulting from me using my University name and title frequently on my cellphone (which I also use for reading and posting on Forumosa). Apart from occasional gross grammatical or spelling errors, I can’t be arsed to fix those minor details. For example, by just “swift typing” above, or even using voice typing, University is capitalized as a default. The first example was using Swift typing, and the second one was using voice typing. “When I use voice typing and say elementary school or primary School you could see just how randomly some words are capitalized and some are not. For junior high school or Senior high School, you can also see how random it is.” The above was the result of voice typing. **You are reading WAY too much into my punctuation.*"

It’s the same in Chinese, the suggestions based on my 注音符號 input follow what I typically write. So 謝謝 is always followed by the suggestion of 校長。That’s the one that sticks out as the most unique.

What kind of question is that? Do I look down on others because I have an assistant professor’s certificate? It’s that what you’re asking? If so, the answer is, yes I’m important. Anyone who doesn’t feel important seems at risk of clinical depression. Am I more important than any other human being? Of course not. To think otherwise it’s arrogant, bordering on narcissistic.