Han Kuo-yu (韓國瑜) - Kaohsiung's Recalled Mayor

He hasn’t done anything.

There I’ve saved you the trouble. :grin:

The people that support him hope he will get Chinese tourists back and somebody to buy their fruit and veg and houses at inflated prices. I’m not aware of anything he has actually done for Taiwan. I’m all ears though…


I don’t know if you can understand Chinese but believe me he doesn’t come across any smarter if you do.

Here’s what I know. All news seemed to be partisan. Papers/TV/Radio were either DPP or KMT. All the KMT news organizations, I was told, were sold. I see US news sources trying to silence dissentors. I still want to know what the other half are saying.
There seems to be big infrastructure projects in roads to reduce flooding…


This :point_up_2: in your closet…


Iirc, he renamed a river.

The Han River?

My Chinese is horrible so I haven’t read Chinese coverage but I talk to a lot of Taiwanese about who they support and why. So far all Korean fish supporters either just do it because partisan loyalty or they hate Tsai. They all like to talk about economy and Chinese money but none of them actually wanted the strings attached to that money, so pretty sure that’s just a talking point.


Did he have an accident? That’d be pretty positive news for a change.

Ps. The year before elections always has massive infrastuctuee projects signed off.

Thats both blue and green: waste money on poor quality public makeovers as a nice way of not calling it vote buying.


The thread title is unworkable.
Only one of the two choices is possible at any given time.


Why the fuck not???


This should be merged into the existing thread about this bozo.

Many people appreciate the fact that after being elected mayor of Kaohsiung he hasn’t spent more than 10 hours working as mayor of Kaohsiung.

Imho the best thing we got from him are K-Man’s articles on Taiwan News. He’s no fan of Tsai, but he really REALLY dislikes Korean Fish, and his articles aout him are usually pretty entertaining. Plus, he gave us the “Itinerant Mayor” jokes.


It’s a grey area. What exactly is vote buying? Is providing healthcare vote buying? What about freedom of speech? Each party offers a list of deliverables if they get voted in, and hope it’s what the people want. That’s how democracy works. So where’s the cutoff where it becomes vote buying? When they decide on something new less than a year before an election? Or perhaps when it’s clearly uneconomical and brings very little benefit, but is very populist? I don’t know.

If you’re an established homogenous group identifying yourself solely on the basis of what you aren’t, well…you should probably rethink your mandate.


The real supporters of the guy seem to think of him almost in mythical terms.

When I ask more neutral people what supporters see in him, the inevitably list him increasing pensions and promises of loads and loads of Chinese tourists coming in to spend money here.

…thereby increasing Beijing’s leverage, as they can—as we know all too well—turn off the tap at will.



Good. Bus loads of mainland tourists ruin every site here. Taiwan should encourage more tourism from Japan and Korea and get off China’s teat.


Yep it’s like drugs for the street vendors and hoteliers. Easy to get hooked on and they require little effort to promote to.


The first step i use to measure this is if its a lie. When they lie about something in order to pay someone with public money.

Omg my students constantly joke about “Korea Fish”. I have finagled that he is a leader(???) from them. No idea why nobody likes him, sorry. I just wanted to share. :slight_smile:

“Very long resume of leadership abilities, very long.”