Hangover Cures

Yeps on the cocaine cure. But what about the cocaine hangover?

Alcohol. Makes a nice little circle dunnit?

:notworthy: I think a redefinition of my life is in order :help:

Love and a morphine drip, minus the morphine drip, plus goal directed behaviour, a healthy diet, meditation and exercise and you’ll be fine.

Orange juice. The last time I went out drinking, I guzzled down half a jug in advance, the rest of it afterwards. Worked like a charm. Why do you think they invented the screwdriver for breakfast? Lots of sugar, water, and vitamin c - effective combo.

1000mg of B1 before you start your party will do the trick.

Yes, good advice, but better to drink the water while you’re drinking the alcohol. Have a glass of water between drinks.

Better yet, drink tall drinks with vodka or other spirit and lots and lots of ice and soda water.

For mild hangovers, an over-the-counter cold remedy containing acetaminophen and pseudoephedrine will work wonders. Clears your head, in a sense.

Some people have allergic reactions to red wine, in which case an antihistamine administered before drinking will help.

How about taking the hangover like a man, and stumble up in the morn… That’s what I do… Could feel better the day after, though.


Excellent suggestions. It’s a little too careful while letting one’s hair down to remember to drink water when the goal is to become inebriated. Also, in a bar, you can really piss off the staff asking for water every 20 minutes, especially if they are busy, so I remember to drink water until my stomach feels like a fish tank.

In a way I’m glad that hangovers exist. They are God’s way of warning you not to get drunk. If not for hangovers, we would get drunk every night. A bad hangover puts me off the sight of alcohol forever about a week.

Do people still go out with the intention of getting so plastered that they’ll take 1000mg of B1 vitamin or whatever magic potion to stave off the inevitable? Seems to me most of the time, the line between, “Dear Lord, I promise not to drink again” and “Come on, one more Gan Bei!” is but a sip :s.

The smart bartender is one who knows when to start feeding you glasses of water between drinks. That’s always been the most effective antidote for me (if not drinking isn’t an option :p).

After binge night (if I can remember)

Step 1: Reach into 1000pack of alka-seltzer (bought on last trip overseas)
Step 2: Get one small glass, one big glass
Step 3: Fill both glasses with water
Step 4: Put alka-seltzer in small glass
Step 5: Wait 30sec and down both
Step 6: Go to sleep.

You’ll wake up ready for a greasy breakfast.

BTW: This procedure also works for Indian food & Spicy Hot-Pot

  1. Before going to bed, drink as must water as you can keep down (at least one glass).
  2. When you have to get up to go to the bathroom, drink another large glass of water (assuming you’re not so drunk that you wet the bed).
  3. Continue to repeat step 2 until morning.

You won’t sleep worth a damn but you won’t be hung over either. At least that’s my trick to keep hangovers from happening.