Hard to find things in common with Taiwanese girls

I’ve heard this one quite often for both genders and everything in between. It seems like most people struggle dating locals due to the lack of mental maturity. Imagine some of them haven’t left the city they were born in and have lived at home for most of their life. Most locals never develop any kind of self reliance because a lot of them rely on their parents for a lot of support. I know plenty of 20-40year old man children who still get money from their parents. A lot of them were gifted apartments by their parents and some even have gotten exotic cars from their parents. You know what the common trend is? incredible levels of insecurity. I can’t tell you the amount of times I have talked to a Taiwanese girl only to have some guy come out of nowhere to just start running shit. Probably why 50% of taiwan has turned lesbian. It’s actually really rare to see a local out of their egg shell of their middle school high school friends, most of them can’t even communicate outside of their social group.